
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Imagine what Pope Francis could accomplish

If he spent half as much time encouraging people to be faithful Catholics as he does disparaging people who try to be faithful Catholics.  


  1. Truth!
    There’s nothing more I can add to your comment, but it did make me think of this post I saw today:

  2. Wow. Strongly said. A big problem I see in his criticisms is what I see so often to the left of center. Notice he isn't really criticizing what those in his crosshairs are doing, as much as he is making assumptions about why they are doing it. I noticed, going through the Seven Woes, that Christ was calling out the scribes and pharisees over what they did. He didn't rest on assumptions about their motives. He slams Catholics in America for doing what the entire Judeo-Christian religious traditions calls upon us to do - and that's remember the past. Because it isn't wrong to do (in fact given the track record of progressive thinking in recent years, it's likely the sane thing to do), he must rest on making assumptions about why they are doing it, painting their tendencies in the worst light. And that is never a good thing.

  3. I had the same thought years ago about Obama - just imagine the opportunity for good that he had to accomplish. Surely a once in a lifetime of the country opportunity. And yet....

    1. I would go so far as to say the entire Baby Boomer generation. A generation given more freedom, more wealth, more capabilities than any before it. Look what it could have accomplished.


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