
Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Because of the news media

That's why:

"This is how it came to dominate the marketplace and loom so large in the American psyche"

Because the news media ignores stories that don't fit the press's agendas and narratives.

Because the news media has perfected the practice of making molehills out of mountains and mountains out of molehills.  

Because the news media waits until an AR-15 or similar gun is used and then keeps the discussion focused only on that one element of the story.

Because the press spends little to no time focused on any crime, murder, killing or other tragic event unless it can tie it around America as racist, phobic, bigoted nation or an AR-15 or similar weapon. 

Because the press all but refuses to allow any solutions, causes, symptoms or anything about violence in our modern culture to be discussed if it can't be linked to American racism, bigotry or assault weapons. 

Heaven forfend the press allows the conversation to drift to the godless morals, values and narcissism we've all but sanctified as a culture, all of which preceded the sudden emergence of the era of active shooter events. 

That's how it happened.  It's not rocket science. 

It reminds me of journalists sitting around the table on a Sunday morning newscast wondering why Americans are so obsessed about a story the press has been headlining 24/7 for the last three weeks.  Sometimes you just can't make it up.  Nor can you fathom how the press can write these things and not see the obvious.  It's either naked mendacity, or it's a pathological lack of self-awareness. 


  1. Here in Texas we lose about 200 children per year in automobile crashes. Even the worst school shooting is a small fraction of that toll.

    Not to minimize the death of any child, but how is it better that your child was killed by an incompetent driver rather than by a firearm?

    Where is the Mark Shea who will proclaim that the AAA has blood on its hands? Who will denounce the automobile cult? Who will excoriate Car an Driver?

    1. (Tom New Poster)
      Believe it or not, in goofy San Francisco near where I life, the car has been excoriated as a kill - of dogs.

    2. The fact that for 30 years the Left will look at nothing but guns, guns, guns and nothing else. They insist they will, someday. Just like they might address the overwhelming level of violence within the black community apart from police. Someday. But they never get around to it.


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