
Friday, March 31, 2023

The seductive evil of the modern Left

Is best seen here:

That is, as far as I have found, Deacon Greydanus's first response to the massacre of six Christians in a Christian school by a transgender individual.  

But look closer.  If you read the Twitter post, you might miss the point.  I did.  I thought at first he said he doesn't want assault rifles to be banned.  It's hard, but that's not him.  He doesn't want to do it, no matter how much it looks as if we should.  That's what I thought he said.

Then I read it again.  That's when I realized he was not saying the difficulty is not wanting to ban assault rifles or the second amendment.  The difficulty, per the good deacon, is not wanting loved ones of the person who posted that statement a week before the shooting to be butchered in a shooting. 

Yeah.  The good deacon struggles with not wanting the loved ones of those who disagree with his politics to be murdered.  That's as big a leap into the Pit as you get.  The reason I keep on about Deacon Greydanus is that I consider him one of the good guys.  Or at least I did.  I never cared for his postmodern approach to film reviews, though when he analyzed movies from a Catholic POV I sometimes enjoyed his insights.  But as a Catholic I always appreciated his broader opinions, even if I disagreed.  He debated in good faith and was generally a good guy when so many were going off the rails.

But now it's this.  Nothing like his Johnny-on-the-spot calling down America as a racist nation after the Buffalo Supermarket shooting. No mention about the transgender community.  No addressing the transgender supporters and activists who have made no secret of their hatred of the victims of the Nashville shooting and their veneration of the shooter.  

None of this appears to be addressed by the good deacon, whose only response I have found to the shooting thus far is admitting he struggles with not wanting the loved ones of a gun rights advocate to be murdered.  Even if he has plastered social media with endless prayers and condemnation of the LGBTQetc. movement's responses to the shooting, it wouldn't balance what he posted above.  

Have I mentioned my oldest son says that, with each passing day, it becomes easier to sympathize with Germans in the 1930s?  


The first major post on his Twitter page following the shooting.  If you beat a donkey it will bray.  Thus making sure to mention the anniversary of this thing that happened because Racism! Let's condemn those old dead sinners and avoid the dumpster fire of our modern world.  What camps in the woods? Lemmings 101.  Or court prophets.  The choice is yours. 


  1. If "Deacon" Greydanus is a man of God, then I'll gladly serve in Hell.

    1. Well, he's certainly a man of some God, the question is which one.

  2. If Greydanus were a leftist plant whose job were to further convert the Catholic Church into an arm of the Democratic Party, would he be doing anything differently?

    1. It's sad isn't it. Again, I considered him one of the good guys being led astray. But when you take the next step that leads to 'gee, it's hard not wanting those who blaspheme the Left to die', it's a sign you're probably not going to stop at the next step.

  3. It is true that Jesus died and rose to reconcile man with God and man with man.

    That includes reconciling leftists with gun owners.

    That includes reconciling leftists with "racists."

    But this will not be said on leftist twitter, because that type of reconciliation is uncomfortable.

    1. Oh no. It's becoming common to say such things as reconcile or forgive have been tools of white supremacists or systemic racism or other forms of bigotry. Sure forgiveness can be a good thing - under certain circumstances. When we threw the Gospel out of our nation's window, I hope we knew it wasn't just our approach to animal passions that would change.

  4. I decided to check Greydanus's twitter, just to see what he does focus on. I came across this statement from him:

    "Vocal Christians: Many of your kids are figuring out that nonbelievers are often kinder and nicer to be around than you (in fact, many of you *value* being obnoxious as a badge of authenticity). And not just your kids. People like being around nice people."

    Kind of ties into your last post. If the world sees us as "mean" then we will lose (the gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church, but apparently the gates of "nice" will.)

    1. Greydanus is friends with Shea. He doesn't get to bray about the perils of meanness and obnoxiousness.

      It's also worth emphasizing that Greydanus isn't nice. Much like a passive-aggressive mother-in-law or an insincere Mister Rogers, he's fake nice. He cosplays as Jesus on Twitter, often referring to his critics as "friend." But much like David French, his folksy routine is meant to mask how utterly spineless he is. The left wants to disarm the public because it wants to crack down on opponents of its pro-abortion, pro-transgender, and pro-war dogmas. And Greydanus, being a closet leftist, is content to support any and all aspects of the leftist project.

    2. At one point, I'd be willing to accept the possibility that Greydanus was just really, really dumb. (We drove past the possibility of mere naivete ages ago.) But this tweet confirms my original suspicion: he's a malevolent actor who actively supports the left's anti-Christian project. Sure, the left supports child sacrifice, but the right is racist and hates democracy. Better side with the former!

      I'm glad we're at the point where leftist deacons are openly bragging about the fact that they totally don't wish death on other people's family members. We've established that Greydanus hates irony-posters (the kids these days call them s**t-posters). So, there's really no defending that tweet of his. If you want to wish death on other people, then don't join the clergy, kids!

    3. What an asinine thing to say. That sort of 'nice parents are better than mean parents who have standards' went out with the Seinfeld finale. I mean, what does it even mean? That has all the odor of a court prophet trying to make some point about some sort of those types of people over there in order to avoid the obvious. I hope it wasn't said after the shooting.


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