
Thursday, March 30, 2023

The Father of lies smiles

And Jesus weeps


Police chief says no evidence Nashville shooter had specific problems or issues with school

Uh huh.  Thus the warnings about a 'hate crime' mentality turn out to be true.  

Imagine if a shooter went into a transgender event with no manifesto and opened fire.  Imagine saying the shooter had no known issues with transgenders at this time. 

Imagine a white shooter going into a black church with no manifesto and opening fire.  Imagine saying the shooter had no known issues with blacks at this time.

Imagine a shooter going into a gay bar with no manifesto and opening fire.  Imagine saying the shooter had no known issues with the LGBTQ community at this time.

Imagine a shooter going into a synagogue with no manifesto and opening fire.  Imagine saying the shoot had no known issues with the Jewish community at this time. 

Imagine a shooter going into a mosque with no manifesto and opening fire.  Imagine saying the shooter had no known issues with the Muslim community at this time. 

Imagine a shooter going into a massage parlor owned by Asians with no manifesto and opening fire.  Imagine saying the shooter had no known issues with the Asian community at this time.

Imagine a Muslim going into a gay bar and opening fire because he is retaliating against the US due to our policies in the Middle East.  Imagine saying that goes to show you the problem with Christian homophobia. 

Well, that last one you don't have to imagine.  It happened.  But imagine the others.  We are a nation of lies. We love lies.  We cherish lies.  We worship lies.  We rejoice in our lies.  We live our lies.  We are our lies.  And we don't care who lives or dies because we know those lies are the capstone of our entire modern age.  

The mendacity is enough to choke a person of good will.  Bonus points for them emphasizing that no motive can be known since it doesn't appear any of the victims were specifically targeted.  As if in other cases of 'hate' crimes, it is only hate if particular individuals were known and targeted.  Again, lies.  Pure, unadulterated, sing it from the rooftops lies.  That is our most cherished value in the 21st Century. 

You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.  John 8.44


In case you're wondering about this just being a typical procedural approach or if it is part of a larger attempt to throw pixie dust on a story that can't go away fast enough, I give you my latest News search results:

In fairness, when I expand the results the story is there - though dropping on the listing fast.  Tell me, did the Buffalo market shooting, or the New Zealand mosque shooting, or the Charleston church shooting fall of the top of the list within a few days?  I didn't think so.  

It does no good to deny the obvious.  If we continue to do so, nothing at all will keep this from moving fast in the direction it is obviously going. 


  1. "...says no evidence Nashville shooter had specific problems or issues with school."

    This in a nutshell is why we are continuing in a downward spiral. We no longer want or can call evil for what it is. We are just going along trying to be nice(woke) without making waves hoping the left likes us. Our society is diseased.

  2. The direct quotation offered was "“As of right now, we don’t have any indication there was any problems at the school or at home,” Drake told CNN on Wednesday. “We can’t confirm any type of problems at this time.”
    What he's telling you is they haven't yet sorted out what her motives were. It's a hedge, not much more. You're reading too much into it.

    1. If they exercised such hesitancy and caution when a white shooter shoots a black church, or any shooter shoots a gay bar, or an Islamic extremist shoots anyone, I would agree. As it is, I doubt we will hear much more than 'still sorting it out' followed by silence.


    2. "You're reading too much into it."

      No. I'm not. "We can’t confirm any type of problems at this time.” The FIRST and most obvious problem was the shooters gender dysphoria which the cops knew about by the time they gave a statement. They couldn't see a problem with a mentally ill person with firearms? It's a mental illness and the shooter purchased guns?.Why was the shooter allowed to purchase these guns? As I said in my previous comment:

      "This in a nutshell is why we are continuing in a downward spiral. We no longer want or can call evil for what it is. We are just going along trying to be nice(woke) without making waves hoping the left likes us. Our society is diseased."

  3. For reasons I don't get, the reader who goes by Tom (New Poster) has posted some comments, but they're not showing up. They show up on my dashboard, but not here. I've tried to figure it out but nothing has worked. Just to let folks know they're out there somewhere. Someday they might even be here.

  4. (Tom New Poster)
    I thought it was because I used a harsh description of the perp that either you screened or some subroutine rejected.
    My point was to agree with both you and Art. I think that the police chief was hedging when he described the shooter's motives as "uncertain", perhaps out of a sense of strict procedure, but that the media were not. The media don't care that white Christians (including children) were killed, and they don't find it useful to observe it was done by a demented member of one of their scheduled tribes (Indian legal term for uncivilized peoples subject to special protections).
    Did you notice the general silence about the tranny tantrum in the TN state legislature? Were they treated the same way as the (idiot) rioters on Capital Hill? This could be a new BLM rising.


Let me know your thoughts