
Thursday, March 23, 2023

Meant to stoke race hate

And nothing more.  

I'm sure you've heard the story that San Francisco is moving forward with a plan to award every black resident $5 million dollars because slavery and systemic racism.  Anyone who thinks that will lead to some racial harmony or reconciliation has sawdust for brains.  

But let's face it, this has nothing to do with any such thing.  It has nothing to do with reconciliation, harmony, justice, reparations, or anything.  It's about pitting Americans against each other and, if we're lucky, getting Americans to act as they're accused of being.   Royally tick off white Americans as best you can, and if any react negatively against the black community, viola!  Racism proven. 

The two pronged attack by our emerging top down revolution against the Christian Western Democratic tradition is 1) divide and conquer, and 2) guilt by association.  Convince the world that European and American Caucasians are a malignant blight upon the world.  Anything associated with their civilization is therefore open to suspicion.  Ideas of liberty, democracy and equality came from that civilization, so let's reconsider.   Thus religious liberty has been a tool exploited by white nationalists and white supremacists, so let's rethink this whole religious liberty thing.  Same goes foe equality, presumption of innocence and free speech. 

The other is endless divisions of Group A v. Group B (fill in your favorite groups accordingly).  That way when  they say the government needs power to punish, to oppress, to strip away rights, to ban, or enact other moves against freedoms, it can assure us it will only be used against those haters over there.  Blacks might get millions while whites are marginalized, but they can trust that nothing bad will ever happen to black Americans.  Or any group containing me.  Just give society the power to take away their rights and reduce them to second class, and they promise it will never happen to you.

It takes a special level of stupid to fall for this, but stupid has been the goal for decades now.  And it has worked.  I've said before that our educational system has either failed miserably or succeeded beyond its wildest dreams.  Because on the whole, we are a stupid age, with things said by our best and brightest that would have drawn scorn from your average middle schooler when I was a lad.  Drugged up, sexed up narcissistic fools: the only formula needed to seize and throw down a prosperous nation built on freedom, democracy and equality.  It appears to have worked like a charm. 


  1. As a nation we were well sold on the "education is the idol you need to worship to be successful in life." Even the Catholic schools bought into it. The Land O' Lakes Conference affirmed the compromise, abortion became a necessary evil for girls to continue their education, and education for the purpose of worldly success even superseded forming hearths and homes. People of faith should have LONG ago pulled their kids out of public schools and insisted their schools of faith be more than public schools with crosses/crucifixes.
    Currently it seems the less intelligent people are uneducated enough to accept the narratives being spoon fed them without much thought, but the overeducated are educated enough to know they have to accept and affirm the narratives as a necessary compromise to maintain worldly success. I'm not sure which is worse.

    1. Also, there's a huge issue with schools being state funded daycares for two working parents. It's just too convenient to send your kids somewhere you don't have to pay much for so you can continue to work. So, there's another compromise for worldly success. What they got taught was secondary to the good of kids being occupied so people could continue their double income lifestyles. Bernadette

    2. Ages ago in my ministry days, I gave a talk at a local gathering about the state of our education. I had, once many years earlier, taught in high school. I said that we seemed to have lost sight of what education is for. Too often (at that point, c.2003) we saw school as something to do, get a diploma and then get a job from. With the then-new education reform of the Bush era, and the real possibility of just 'teaching to the test', that could be a toxic brew, where we don't even care about the diploma, just getting kids through with the scores needed on the tests. The actual educational content and purpose being long left behind in the dust. That was around 2003. The only thing I missed was that the void in educational content would be filled with the indoctrination of crazy we're seeing today.

  2. This policy will antagonize latinos, who share NONE of the guilt some Americans feel for slavery.
    [An institution as old as the human race which we did NOT originate but which we destroyed. This should be preached every day.] In addition, the latinos I know [quite a number - I am married into the demo] have a very low opinion of the character of our black demographic. They will NOT like forking over their hard earned money to support lazy misbehaving blacks.

    1. Some of what I've heard is that more than one African American isn't happy with this either. I know plenty myself who resent the culture that seems to encourage black Americans down on the expectations meter. Also, you bring up the viewpoint of Latinos. I've heard that the biggest part of interracial violence in our country is betwixt Latinos and African Americans. I wonder if that is true, and how that might play into various attitudes (or possibly be the result of).

    2. I believe Watts in south central L.A. has been ethically cleansed. Used to be all black and is now all Latino.

    3. Anonymous was me, David D.

  3. This can only happen when the educational system fails to educate students on how to think, and rather teach them what to think. And here we are. We have arrived at that goal of the Marxists who have co-opted our educational system. True education is about finding the truth of things, and if the truth is pursued to the very end, it always ends up at God.

    1. I've said for years now that our education systems have either failed miserably, or succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. I'm not sure which. Charity demands I assume a miserable failure. The cynic in me has a hard time believing that.


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