
Friday, March 24, 2023

And going and going and going

So I posted about the the kid's bookstore the other day.  Never think they alone possess my attentions or admiration.  I'm no fool and don't put my kids on some angelic pedestal.  Still, the world being what it is today, I'm mighty proud of all four of them.  One climbing the corporate ladder from the ground up, one on the verge of graduating college, and our youngest who just improves by leaps and bounds his ability to fix and build electronics.  He recently purchased and old Nintendo game system (he loves retro tech).  It was sold 'as is', which basically ended up meaning it didn't work.  Not to be defeated, he spent the next several hours opening it up and tinkering with it until he got it to work.  As one who feels proud when I change a light bulb, I have to say I'm impressed.  And that's just their industry.  As people they impress me even more.  And that goes for our soon-to-be daughter-in-law. 

I admit, however, the bookstore has dominated the family scene, and that's with everything else happening and the upcoming marriage (which happens to be the same weekend that my oldest graduates, our third passes his required year long position to get promoted, and our youngest is confirmed - did I say busy time?).

Part of what has generated the store's success has been endless book donations.  I never had a clue there are so many people out there trying to get rid of books.  I have no raw numbers, but the vast majority of their stock is from donations. Which is nice.  Especially when it's this:

Some fellow willed that his collection of genuine leatherbound books not be sold, but be donated.  So they were donated to the store (where they'll be sold?).  In any event, those are some nice books. I'm planning on getting there ASAP.  Within only the first few hours they've sold several, so I best not wait (I'm eyeing that copy of Beowulf near the left of the picture). 


  1. We are invited to a wedding in the Columbus area in May, and I looked up the bookstore. I’m not sure we’ll be able to make it during store hours, but it’s on my radar to try to stop if we end up going to the wedding. Assuming it’s not the same weekend as your son’s wedding I suppose. (5/20 is our date)

    1. They would love to see you. Their hours are 11-7, Tuesday through Saturday. They will have been married and back to business by May 20.

    2. Glad to hear it! It’s penciled in for if we go :)


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