
Friday, November 4, 2022

The Devil's children

 At CBS.  Remember things like this from back in the ancient days:

See that?  Age appropriate only.  Nobody does transgender surgery on minors.  That's what news outlets said when a story broke that a children's hospital in Boston was doing just that.  Local media circled the wagons (national media did it's part and largely ignored the story).  Fact checkers assured us nobody performs surgeries on minors.  Ever!

Well, read that CBS article praising hospitals for doing just that.  See this quote:

True, can anyone really know what a kid is?  I mean, fourteen might just be an old geezer at this point.  You never know with the modern Left.  Anything could be true, or false, or both or neither. It's that easy.  So easy, this passes as an argument worth quoting in a major US news outlet:

When I see the horrors of this unfolding, the absolute lack of resistance by any institution or leaders, and the lies and duplicity needed to advance it, I remember a few things.  One that leaps to mind is this:

You belong to your father, the devil, and you wan to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.  John 8.44


  1. Strangio works for the American "Civil Liberties" Union. She's a professional mutilatee with a law degree. She's also 40 years old.

    1. I don't know her. I just know a ridiculous argument when I see it.

  2. Note that "no surgeries are done on children" does not preclude giving puberty blocking drugs to children.

    1. That was said in defense of the Boston Children's Hospital defense. They were not performing sex change surgeries on minors. That didn't happen until they turn 18. They were merely performing preliminary procedures on the minors to prepare them. That's leaps beyond what was supposed to happen ten years ago when we first hear there are no boys and girls. That's fast development, and a testimony to how spineless our generation has become.

  3. But wait! There's more! Did you see NPR?

    I'm running out of family friendly words to describe the media.

    1. I've heard of that. Don't have the wherewithal to listen. That's what we are - a pagan nation, and everything that goes with it (ruling class, servant class, disposable life, subordinated to the needs of the tribe, human sacrifice, child sacrifice, infanticide, and of course all of the other nasty parts of life in a fallen world common to all places and times).


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