
Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Gloria Purvis works to keep the legend alive

That is, the legend of America and the West as exclusively a racist, genocidal slave culture filled to the brim with racist, genocidal slavers, and only the rarest of saints standing firm against it.  She has certainly embraced the BLM narrative.  The piece is, not surprisingly, on the very Jesuit American Magazine podcost. 

Of course as a high profile Catholic representative, she could labor to help the American black community overcome its staggering levels of violence, homicides, domestic violence, broken families, drug use, gangs, and abortion rates.  Heck, she might even call out racism within the black community against non-blacks and against other blacks sometimes deemed not black enough. 

But that might force issues that so many are unwilling to confront.  Heck, it might even challenge a dominant leftwing narrative.  Best to keep dragging America's sins out and stomping on them, especially as they pertain to Caucasians of European descent.  We call that dodging by deflection. 

By the way, in light of yet another story of a rap star being shot and killed, are there other musical genres with the same body count?  I mean, is there the same level of murders and shootings and drug deaths in, say, polka music?  Classical?  Bluegrass?  I don't know, I'm asking. Because it seems nary a month goes by without some form of killing, overdose or similar happening within the world of multi-millionaire rap stars.  Is it just that I miss all those cello players and ukulele aficionados and their endless parade of homicides and drug violence?  Or could something else be the matter?  


  1. (Tom New Poster)
    Dave: This old teacher has rarely witnessed serious behavior and grade issues (as opposed to ordinary adolescent squirreliness) unconnected with some failure of male authority in the home. Either Dad's not there (or never was), is away too much or ineffective or there's fighting between the parents. In some remarkable cases, a grandfather or uncle steps up (and once even a brother-in-law), but Dads or very close and committed substitutes are necessary. As we've allowed the two-parent family to disappear, we have destroyed our children.

    1. And few places have been devastated by broken families more than the black community. The continued push to ignore responsibility and accountability by always blaming anything and anyone but those who need to account for their actions continues to be one of the travesties of the civil rights movement in recent generations.

  2. And I am sure it is just TOTALLY Racissss! of me to note that every polity run by people of Gloria's ethnicity is a basket case.

    And slavery? I am currently reading a history of the Norman conquest of England and the various ethnic groups - Welsh, Irish, Scottish, English, Vikings, French - were all busy enslaving each other. No Africans anywhere to be found.

    1. Most of what passes for history today is simply anti-Western Christian and anti-American propaganda. Someone would have to have sawdust for brains to think that slavery only happened when Europeans enslaved Africans, or that slavery didn't exist in the Western Hemisphere until English colonists arrived in the 17th century. Yet that thinking has won Pulitzer Prizes, is accepted by the corporate media institutions, and is taught in schools and universities (and, quite frankly, embraced by a growing number of Christians of all stripes).

  3. Although this is a serious post, I'm suddenly laughing out loud at the thought of polka artists having a rash of murders.... actually that would make a great premise for a Weird Al song.

    1. Heh. Now that you mention it, I'm surprised he hasn't come up with that idea!


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