
Friday, October 28, 2022

It's very simple

Apparently Nancy Pelosi's house was broken into and her husband assaulted.  We don't know the motives, though the attacker has been arrested.  Perhaps it was politically motivated.  It certainly wouldn't be the first in recent years.  Politicians being confronted, mobbed and even attacked has become more common over the last few years.  Meanwhile protests and violent threats against the SCOTUS since the Roe decision leak have also become a common story.

This all speaks to an unraveling society. It's wrong, of course.  Whether R or D, or SCOTUS or POTUS, there is no reason for violence, threat or intimidation at this stage.  That's why it should always be condemned, not just when it impacts our own party.  Do it only when it's against your own side, and you might as well join the next mob and hie to the attack.  

Hopefully her husband is OK and not injured too badly.  As long as we are consistent in our ethic, that is all we should concern ourselves with. 


  1. (Tom New Poster)
    Dave: Agreed, anything like Schadenfreude is wrong. This man was also in his own home and over 80 (like my Dad), which makes it three times wrong.
    On the other hand, I recall Scrooge's words to Christmas Future that "men's courses will foreshadow certain ends". The greenies are right when they insist that if you let certain pollutants out into the environment, they may come back in your face. If you let criminals out of chokey on easy terms, they may not stop at harassing just your voters.
    What details, if any, have been released regarding the perp?

    1. I've not heard much else. Rumors say the accused is some anti-government conspiracy theorist who had a list of politicians he wanted to attack. Exactly who is on the list, or what his theories are, weren't said. It's still sketchy and I'm sure facts will change as we learn more. Again, this sort of thing is becoming too common.

    2. Latest news is that he's a Castro supporting nudist. There's also a lot of confusion because the houses in that area are like fortresses. How did he get in? New bets are that Paul brought him into the house and something went wrong.

      You'll know that's the right answer if this vanishes from the news feed by Monday.

    3. Oops. The above anon was me.

      Also I quite agree about condemning violence and attacks like these.

      But then you find out about repressive tolerance and well....

    4. Thought that sounded like you! Heh

      Yes, much is sketchy, but the MSM is already emphasizing the 'Qnon???' angle. Already it's received more coverage than the Rand Paul attack, and of course immediately we're seeing stories about impending violence and voter suppression at the polls. Because of course we are.


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