
Saturday, October 29, 2022

I cheat

We actually stock up on about 50/50 ration of Cheaapy McCheapface, but then mix it with The Trusty Provider and a dose of The Old Timer (we liked those butterscotch chews).  It makes it look better and gives the impression of Trusty Provider without the cost.  

I should mention I always keep very soft, easily melts-in-your-mouth type candies for the youngest toddlers and infants.  Nothing like jawbreakers or chewy taffy for them.  Otherwise we typically have enough to grab a handful and dump it in the kids' bags.  

My boys say there were two houses of legend in our part of the neighborhood when they were growing up.  One house, cattycorner to our backyard and facing the street beside us, was the award winner.  It was The Legend.  Their house is the nicest around, and they handed out full size candy bars, Twix, Kit Kats, you name it. And they did it in handfuls.  And second was our house, because we literally would dump a cup worth of candy into each bag (two cups if the kid was alone - I have a soft spot).  Not bad if you think on it. 

Though if I had it to do over again, I'd definitely go for The Spaz.  Something about that made me laugh.  


  1. The appropriate stash consists of strictly of miniatures - Hershey's, Hershey's with Almonds, Hershey's Special Dark, Hershey's kisses, Krackel, Mr. Goodbar, Snicker's, Milky Way, Heath Bars, Mars Bars, Caramel, Reece's Peanut Butter Cups, Oh Henry, Mounds, Almond Joy, 3 Musketeers, Nestle Crunch, $100,000 Bar, Kit Kat, Toblerone.

    Save Maple Sugar for Christmas time.

    Artisanal candy is for adult women. If they want to share it with their late adolescent / post-adolescent daughters, that's up to them.

    Anything not consumed should be taken to the office. It's for the girls. If they want to share it with any men who work there, that's up to them.

    1. With out a Payday bar that list is desperately in need of resuscitation.

    2. Supposedly, that comestible has been on the market since 1932. Don't remember it from my youth. Maybe they didn't sell it in my area.

      An absence of Heath Bars, Caramel, and Hershey with Almonds would be crippling.

    3. The chocolates we must have to have each year are the following: Three Musketeers, Payday, Kit Kat, Twix, and Reese's. Being a sour hard candy junkie, the rest is filled by lemon heads, sweat tarts, twizzlers and the like. Things like snickers and Hershey bars can also add to it, and of course whatever is in the discount bag as good as always! My wife likes those malted milk balls, but the texture always sets my teeth on edge. Nonetheless, I make sure a few of those make their way in as well.

    4. OC That's our youngest's favorite. For me it's lemon heads, the one true weakness I have no resistance in overcoming.

    5. Unfortunately David I can't eat Payday bars anymore without them pulling my dentures out of my mouth. Something else to offer up to the Lord...

    6. That's rough. There are so many things I used to love that I just can't eat anymore either. We won't even discuss Mexican food. As it is, paydays are the fave of our youngest, and he's the reason we make sure at least one bag a year goes in that direction.

  2. This seems an accurate breakdown. My strategy the last few years (save for 2020) has been to cull the candy my kids get from a handful of Trunk or Treat events, after they choose their favorite pieces, add a bag of Fun Dips, and hand it out on Halloween. Otherwise we just have too much candy in the house!

    1. Oooo, I like that. Take the leftovers and give them out. That does keep the leftovers sitting around the house and tempting me for the next three weeks.

  3. OT: I think this might be the closest the deacon has gotten to openly endorsing the Democratic Party. Of course, he later claims that he isn't endorsing the Democrats. You see, his concerns about Republican objections to the stolen election of 2020 simply outweigh his concerns about Democrats supporting child sacrifice! That's all!

    1. This may have been for a different post, but that's OK. I think Deacon is clearly on the left side of the aisle by now. Partly because of his 'wait for it, there has to be a story I can use to make conservatives look bad' approach to reposting. Where has his outrage been at a bunch of LA pols on the left caught in racist rants? But as soon as a story pops up that can make conservatives look bad, expect him to be johnny on the spot.

  4. While we're at it, if grandma is answering the door, you're best advised to have a gift on hand for her. Here it is:

    1. Hey, I don't need my mom to hand out candy to love those bad boys. If I had those in the house they'd be gone in two days.

  5. At 00:36, you'll see what should happen when someone gets into grandma's candy stash.

    1. Heh. Especially if grandma's nickname happens to the The Iron Lady. :)

  6. This year I went entirely with Old Timer hard candy. It's good, but it won't seduce me like those peanut butter cups.


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