
Friday, August 19, 2022

Why we homeschool

Because I don't want my sons taught that they are second rate citizens who deserve what they get because they are 1) Christian, 2) white, 3) male, 4) heterosexual, 5) American.  That's why.  For instance, the Minneapolis teachers union has negotiated a contract whereby any staffing cuts would cut white-skin teachers before non-white-skin teachers.   A school that treats its staff that way will treat its students that way. 

Yeah.  It's as Jim Crow as Jim Crow.  It's also based on attitudes and agendas fully embraced by our corporate interests, pop culture, education systems, news media and not a few of our religious traditions as well.  Remember, the majority will always follow the easy way. If the easy way is singing God Bless America and waving the flag, then so be it.  If the easy way is labor camps and ghettoes for the undesirables and wrong thinkers, again, so be it. 

Granted, not that Christianity equates to White, but one must understand the real target here.  It's none other than Jesus Christ, as He said it would be.  It's not us that the world hates, it's Him.  The purpose is the destruction of the saving message of the Christian Faith.  The destruction of the civilization it helped build is the most logical, and easiest, approach.  If we have to generate race-hate against those who were the majority ethnic group within this civilization, again, so be it.  That so many willing to do this are themselves white shows it's probably not a desire to punish or retaliate against white people in general that is their main goal.  

Again, the main goal is the destruction of the historical Christian Faith.  The destruction of the Gospel.  The crucifixion of Christ.  It's been done before.  It will be done again.  We're about to learn what it was to live the Gospel in a majority pagan land that sees the Gospel as a threat to its earthly designs. 

"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you."  John 15.18-19


  1. When you get the time, you might write some precis on the old textbooks you've collected.

    1. Every year I say I'm going to catalogue my library downstairs. Then the next year I say I'm going to catalogue my library downstairs. Someday I'll say I catalogued my library downstairs. I'm the last to say it wouldn't benefit from the exercise.

    2. You might shuffle your feet and ask if anyone from La Casa McClarey will help you. It's possible his missus or his daughter have done OCLC copy cataloguing.

    3. Oh my wife used to be assistant to the senior librarian at old SBTS. She is plenty able to catalogue, even our stacks of books. It's just the time and priorities. Hence less blogging now than I used to do.


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