
Thursday, August 18, 2022

We're back!

I'm not one to announce being away from home ahead of time.  Ever since one of the Patheos trolls made it clear he knew me and knew where I lived, I've played such things closer to the chest.  But we finally got a little time away over the last week, hence the silence (that Friday post was pre-written to publish on Friday). 

Yes, it's our first vacation since before Covid.  That was 2019, a very, very rough year in our lives.  As a last ditch effort to salvage something good that year, in October we took a brief jaunt down to St. Meinrad Archabbey, my unofficial spiritual home.  Unfortunately our third oldest was still in crutches and that, along with a string of crazy occurrences on the trip, made it a less than perfect experience

Still, we soldiered on because, in October of 2019, we believe the following year the boys were going to be moving out and moving on.  That was the plan.  By the fall of 2020 they would all be living together, sharing expenses, as each went his particular direction in life.   Then came Covid. 

Owing to a variety of ups and downs, mixed with lockdowns and just getting through the crazy of those two years, we didn't have the chance to really travel anywhere.  So we decided by one way or another, we would all go on a trip together before next year.  

I'm  not one given to visiting 'touristy' places.  I've gone to some historical tourist spots, like Colonial Williamsburg.  On the whole, however, I prefer more low key and away places with fewer crowds and less tacky.  

Nonetheless, I broke with my usual preferences because my wife, when she was in a church youth group, went to Gatlinburg, TN and had fond memories of the time.  She has brought that up more than once over the years.  This year we decided to go along with her wishes. 

Down the road I might post on the thrills and chills that comes with renting a cabin that includes looking out the side door and seeing a black bear walking by.  For now life is busy, busy, busy.  More to come down the road.  See you soon. 

The boys on the road again for one more adventure.

Coming home we were met with my wife's roses in full bloom.  That's nice.


  1. (Tom New Poster)
    I love the studied pose of your youngest with the lemonade. Reminds me of some of my 8th graders.

    1. Heh, yeah. I'm not sure how intentional it was, but it captured him in all his teenager glory.

  2. Clippers. Setting # 2. They'll all benefit.

    1. Well, I always believed choosing one's battles carefully was a key to parenting. Hair style was one I wouldn't fight. It isn't bad on the whole, and otherwise no piercings, tattoos, good work ethics, honest livings, regular church involvement and spending time with the family. I'll take that over them caked with tattoos and piercing in drag queen tours while doing drugs and illegal activities - but at least their hair's short. :)

    2. From what you've said, I gather son #3 has been working on negotiating the barber down.

    3. Are you kidding, that's short hair for him! Again, he's doing fine and that's not bad in this crazy world.


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