
Monday, August 22, 2022

A PSA from the American Library Association

*Please read update below

On how to sex up the youngest of these in your rural, small town libraries.  Yep.  Read it here.  Not much to add.  Sexing up our youngest children is already underway and increasingly endorsed by our pagan society. Enough Americans still get the willies, however, that it calls for some help in the endeavor.  But those priests of our pagan nation also know that a vast majority of Americans - Christians included - will turn a blind eye or deny.  That's all they need.  

Exactly where we go from here I don't know.  As I said, paganism, even of a secular variety, is the at-rest position of humanity shorn of the revelation of God. Most modern hipsters imagine paganism means getting to  attend awesome orgies at Stonehenge on the Summer Solstice.  Perhaps.  But it also means much, must more, often with a steep price.  And it's a price the grandchildren of our grandchildren are going to have to pay in this world, and possibly even in the next. 

UPDATE:  Apparently the link above goes nowhere since the article in question has been removed.  That's called getting caught.  I have no doubt that the ALA still intends what it wrote there.  It will simply find a different, slicker way to get the message out.  The modern Left is becoming so bad that such subterfuge and mendacity, denial and hypocrisy have become the stock and store of everything they do.  If you want to read what it said, Rod Dreher wisely copied some of the text down on his blog for all of its cringe inducing glory. 


  1. I went to the link you provided, and it's no longer there. Perhaps the article was too hot to keep posted.

    I have a sister in law who goes to the Burning Man festival every year. She was raised Catholic, but she went to a Jesuit school in California, and I believe she went south from there. She has adopted extreme leftist beliefs and attitudes on nearly everything since graduation. For example, my other sister in law made a comment about the rising cost of gas making it more expensive for people to go to work. What was the Jebbie educated s-i-l response to that? "They need to be closer to their jobs". Most people don't want to be "close" to their jobs, especially if it's a factory job, or one in a city. BTW, she lives within walking distance of her job, so she thinks it's possible for everyone else to do so too.

    1. I'd reminder her that the good news is that high gas prices are mostly hitting working class and lower income earners the hardest, so it's no big deal. When I've seen people pull variations on 'stop your crying about high prices', that's my response because they're making it clear that's their attitude.

      BTW, thanks for the heads up about the link. You're right, it's gone. Fortunately Rod Dreher had run with this and copied several parts of the text. Why it's gone I don't know, but I doubt the intentions or goals have gone away.

    2. I don't think that Burning Man fits in with the rest of this story. Sure, it's full of degenerates (as is any arts festival), but there are also a lot of right-wing types there. It's not analogous to, say, a Pride parade.

    3. The Burning Man is a celebration of neo-paganism. There are neo-pagan right wingers, as well as neo-pagan leftists. BTW, the original BM was a wicker structure in the shape of a man that was filled with sacrifical offerings of fruits, vegetables, animals, and human beings. Not much difference from the picture Dave has for this article.

  2. A good way to fight back is to request books you do want to see at libraries. A library is a give and take between itself and the community. Don't let one side dominate the conversation. Be active.

    1. That's not a bad point. Trying to get balance in the conversation might require starting on the local level. On the national level the deck is just too stacked against non-progressive dissenters.


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