
Thursday, June 9, 2022

NBC shows us how it's done

In this piece, NBC goes to war over the importance of bringing sexual attraction to the world of young girls' doll collections.  The importance of sexing up our children so that we may bring our children into the sexual fold continues apace. 

I'll admit you have to love how the Left has all but thrown out the pretense of its post-war duplicity.  There is no room for debate.  There is no room for dialogue.  There is no room for discussion.  No tolerance.  No diversity.  You either conform 100% to leftwing same-think or you're a homophobic bigot.  Period. End of statement.  The old 'stop being divisive and admit you're a Nazi' that defines the leftwing concept of unity.

Think of it.  As long as you conform 100% to the Left's dogmatic definition of diversity, the Left is completely tolerant and open to anyone who thinks the way the Left demands you think under threat of retaliation.  Thus is the double-talk that is taught in schools and colleges, endorsed by the media, promoted by pop culture, reinforced by our publishing industry, mandated by our Wall Street corporate interests and increasingly injected into the Gospel Message in too many churches. Thus is life in our secular pagan age. 

I feel a great era of purging and pruning is on the way.  I fear too many of us believed we were on the  straight path heading toward the narrow gate. We're finding out now just how many had, all along, been trudging along the broad path toward destruction and didn't even realize it.  I believe the point  of what we're seeing is to make the distinction crystal clear. To give a clear warning of who might be the tares and who might be the wheat.  And if you're shrugging your shoulders over mutilating the bodies of youth in order to inject sexual desire into their pre-K minds, I'll leave you to figure out which side of the harvest you're likely on. 

Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and straight is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!  Matthew 7.13-14


  1. heterosexual romance has been a staple of children's entertainment for generations. I don't recall being told that Tom Sawyer's love of Becky Thatcher was in any way sexualizing kids. Having a homosexual character in an American Girl story isn't automatically sexual, and I say this as sombody that doesn't support homosexuality in any way. People who automatically equate gay characters in kids media with drag queen story hour remind me of those who tar the entire MAGA community as being in bed with their white supremacist faction.

    1. (Tom New Poster)
      I've worked with many gays in education (my first partner teacher died of AIDS) and all that older generation kept it to themselves. Sometimes the kids knew, sometimes not, but it was treated as private. One gay granddad was one of my strongest supporters at a particular Catholic school, even though he knew I taught according to the Catechism in class. I don't think this current push has as much to do with sex as it has to do with establishing a "tag" for future political oppression. The Left wants those with conservative and Christian political views degraded and destroyed as a political force.

    2. Donald, it's nearly impossible not to equate them when, alongside the MSM stories insisting we inject sexuality into children's toys, are stories of drag queen shows for the kiddos or even getting young children to be their own drag queens while considering their own gender and sexual desires. And yes, I do draw a distinction between two children with puppy love in an old story versus teaching kids it might be time to start the medical procedures for their bodies when they still haven't mastered the alphabet. Though I'm also with TNP above: much of this is pushing the line to see how far people will go. As I've said, much of this 'who ever heard of boys and girls?' smacks of O'Brien in 1984. It's how many will buckle and insist he is holding up five fingers after all, or perhaps say that people have been holding up different fingers for ages, so it's no big deal. :)

    3. Donald "Joe", rightly ordered heterosexual romance is an objectively good, natural, and healthy thing that children should learn to recognize as such. Setting aside all questions of personal culpability, however, homosexuality is an objectively perverse, unhealthy, and unnatural thing that should not be normalized or encouraged for children. What possible laudable reason could there be to present to impressionable children as normative a positive character who equates their core identity with objective disorder?

  2. I don't recall being told that Tom Sawyer's love of Becky Thatcher was in any way sexualizing kids.

    I can never figure out when people make obtuse remarks if it's unintentional or deliberate.

    1. In fairness, Donald of the not Joe variety is, I believe, a younger fellow close to my sons' ages. As such, he sees things much differently than folks my age or older. Which is what my sons have said. My oldest was just talking about how so many conservatives his age think nothing of gay marriage any more than my generation gave much thought to color televisions. That Donald actually says he's not for the homosexual narrative is quite stunning and, from what I can tell, a very minority opinion.

    2. I'm not patient with anyone who fancies there are 'gay characters' age 12 drawn anywhere but from someone's sicko imagination.

    3. Again, I'll cut him some slack due to his age. Remember, believing there is anything wrong with LGBTQ if you're under about 30 is akin to thinking there is nothing wrong with slavery in the culture they've grown up in. And let's face it, it isn't as if the Church is this juggernaut of doctrinal fealty on the subject. As I explained to a young woman who does Catholic talks who posted a big Pride shout out to gay Catholics, I have yet to hear the topic mentioned in a homily or a parish, and I've been Catholic for almost 17 years. While the secular paganism arose and seized the remnants of Christendom, I fear the Church has been worrying about all that brass on a sinking ship.


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