
Friday, June 10, 2022

Another step to make it official

Our second youngest and his fiancée got their engagement photos.  There were many splendid pictures, but the two below are among my favorites:

I love these two.  The top picture with them happily skipping forward into life together.  The bottom with the two of them gazing at the horizon after their first round of being together in this crazy world.  There were many other pics, too, but these were the ones that jumped out at me. 

Or perhaps the second is them looking at the horizon of their future.  Because as if getting married and starting a new life together isn't stressful enough, they're also embarking on their own business venture.  They're starting their own business - in their early 20s no less.  I know, it's crazy.  I've talked extensively to my son, drawing on my own brief experience in the world of entrepreneurship.  He isn't naïve or in denial about their chances, but he maintains that it's their goal and their dream and they're not going to give up. 

That's fine with me.  If that's their dream I wouldn't have it any other way.  I've learned in my five decades traveling this vale of tears that John Greenleaf Whittier was right: For of all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been!' 


  1. Congrats to the happy couple!

    And as someone also trying to start a business, let them know I'm rooting for them! It's not easy but to not try is how you definitely fail. There is nobility and honor in even the attempt.

    1. Yes. I've told them I'm proud of them, as I am with all my boys. But to take such a bold step is very impressive to me. And they've been working around the clock to accomplish it, so we'll see.

  2. I dunno Dave. Your startin' sound like one of them proud papas or sumptin' .

    1. Heh. Yep. I must admit I'm proud of them all, and glad for him since she is a delightful young woman in her own right.

  3. I'm confused. I thought that was your 2d child but you say it's your 3d. They look so...thin. In our house, we've forgotten what it's like to be thin. If they're disciplined and fortunate, they get to stay thin.

    1. He's the second. Our third is the manager whose twenty year plan is to buy out the region. But yeah, the thin has gone with us as well, especially since my wife's heart attack. I've not been able to exercise as I was so that I can keep with her, but the pace has dropped and I just can't motivate myself to maintain two separate exercise regiments. Since at my age just looking at a cookie puts on three pounds, that's not a happy formula.


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