
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Sometimes it is not worth commenting

When you see people respond to a discussion like this, you can bet your bottom dollar that further discourse is a waste of time. I'll bet most readers here will immediately see the glaring problem all too common on the Left. 


  1. Dr. Esolen received a job offer from Thomas More College around the time he was subject to a defamation campaign at Providence College in which both students and administrators participated. He had tenure at Providence but decided he could do without the harassment, so he left. He'd been fairly satisfied at Providence up until that time. Alt misrepresents this, among other things he misrepresents.

    1. My biggest beef was the easy 'assume malice' that is all the rage today. Just because someone might not like a particular style of poetry, it must mean Racism!. Of course Alt might accept the post-Western appraisal that the West brings bupkis to the world, so studying courses in which we focus on what laid the groundwork for the emergent Western Civilization is obviously useless at best. Or, as is common, a sign of racism and white supremacy at worst.

  2. I see Sean P. Dailey is hoping the Democrats increase their seat total in the House in November, thinks the thought that Samuel Alito's neighbors are passing out snacks to people picketing his home amusing, and fancies the editor of Crisis is a sociopath.

    1. Sean is on record cheering the Dem's attempts to keep the abortion mills running legally. Again, New Prolife Catholic = Kosher Ham.

  3. Poetry is one of the most subjective artforms in existence. I no very little about Maya Angelou. I see no issue putting her on a coin (unless there's something about her I don't know), but neither do I think objecting to her face on a coin automatically makes you racist or whatever. I guess my view is similar to how I felt about the whole National anthem kneeling controversy, by which I mean it's about as important as watching fish dry

    1. That was my point and my beef. I've noticed this for years, but seeing Catholics embrace it is problematic: The idea that anyone who questions anything liberal does so for the meanest motives. The first time I noticed that, beyond the old 'if you don't support the ERA (equal rights amendment) you're a chauvinist', was Rap Music. When Rap was going all 'rape and kill cops', yet anyone who questioned it was called a racist. Since then it's almost SOP - any questioning of anything put forth in the name of liberalism can only be because evil motive. Given the left's obsession with skin color, it's not hard to see it being racism as the motive behind questioning anything at all.


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