
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Enemies of God and Man

 If you are aligned with this:

You are an enemy of both God and Man.  And by the word Man, I mean its classical use referring to humanity, because I'm tired of pandering to the same feminist bilge that gave us the above mentality in the first place.  It's time to stop losing if we don't wish to be remembered as losers. And first things first. 

BTW, kudos to our parish priest.  On Sunday he called out the lies of the abortion movement, including lies spread by Catholic abortion supporters.  Then he did something strange, weird, amazing, great, wonderful, terrifying and everything all rolled into one:  He acknowledged that the abortion issue is about the mothers, the babies and - get this! - the fathers.  He actually pointed out that care for the father is important.  Imagine that.  Of course care for the mother and baby is crucial, but let's not forget the often forgotten father!

Can you believe it?  I've seen men try to say this only to be smacked down by pro-life conservatives, much less pro-abortion liberals. I've actually seen people on the pro-life side insist men should accept the subordinate position and shut up.  Men should stand in the corner, wallet ready if, and only if, the mother decides not to abort the pregnancy.  The castration of men is something purely at the feet of feminism, and one of the capstones of the whole modern paganism we're seeing.  That men accepted being told they have no say in a child's life unless the woman chooses was a major defeat for the dignity and gift of manhood.  

So good signs I'm seeing.  Could the proverbial giant be waking?  I dunno.  I think we've lost much and lost them in key areas.  The Gospel will live, even if the civilization it helped forge dies.  And abortion is one of the key killers the new paganism is fighting hard to maintain.  Nonetheless, prayers are effective, and when the prayers involve saving the life of the most innocent of these, we can be assured that they are heard. 

As a bonus point, I should add that our priest also echoed what I've seen several mention in recent days.  There is no guarantee the repeal of Roe will happen. Nonetheless, if it does happen, then there will be new pressures on the moms (and yes, the dads!) and that's where we must build upon our good works already out there.  I loved that, too.  For he went on to name different ways that the Church and individuals already help young mothers and babies, countering the lies of abortion rights allies like Mark Shea.   

But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.  Matthew 19.14


  1. I'm not sure if the tide is indeed turning on abortion but I have a suspicious feeling that if more of our pastors spoke up for the truth about abortion in Mass and like this fellow told it like it is and called out the lies and named names, it would instill in the faithful a courage that has lay dormant for too long. I think it is difficult for the laity to fight the fight of abortion if they feel they do not have the Church backing them up. We do not believe abortion is murder because of our faith but because objective fact proves it. That is why we have from atheists to believers arguing against abortion. A human child has been conceived. Period

    1. Yeah, as a Catholic, I call it Catholic unspeak. That tendency our leaders have of saying a lot without getting close to saying anything. Usually some hermeneutical equivalent of unpacking St. Barney the Dinosaur. When they do call out the fire and brimstone, it's as often as not in joining with various leftwing messages or activism like BLM, or #MeToo/feminism, or Global Warming, or any of the priorities of Pope Francis.

  2. A big theme of the last five years has been for the masks of society to slip more and more. We aren't always winning, but at least it is clear who are enemies are.

    The "pro-choice" movement made a specific choice to stage a protest at Catholic Churches on Mother's Day. They are making it pretty clear that they hate both mothers and God. From what I am seeing, this is only going to become clearer as time goes on.

    This doesn't necessarily mean we will win, since most of society is effectively godless and many of our leaders our shameless grifters who will go wherever the wind blows. But it will no longer be a "reasonable people can disagree" issue. It will be an issue divided explicitly between people who hate God, family and life, and those who do not.

    1. Did any of those protests actually happen? I was hoping the pro-choicers would show up and make fools out of themselves, thus hurting their own cause. I was disappointed when they seemingly made the smart tactical choice to stay home

    2. There were a few cases where protesters entered the churches. A couple cases of vandalism or arson. Not as much as threats suggested - which could always be the point. Let leak calls for radical assaults on the Faithful, then when it doesn't pan out, don't those protesters seem so restrained and goodly?

    3. Rudolph, I think that's a reason we're seeing so many Christian allies of the Left go bonkers. Many turned to the Left for whatever reasons when the Left was still honor bound to preach the message of peace, love, tolerance, diversity, respect, and inclusion. No judging and violence is never the answer. Now the Left has thrown those illusions out the window, advocates naked race hate, ethnic cleansing, violence and killing, judgmentalism without forgiveness - and all to attack the West, Democracy, Christianity and life itself. Those who allied with the Left must admit they were bamboozled, or hunker down and go all Shea on reality.

  3. I wish our pastor would speak this way--in a recent conversation, all of his comments sounded like DNC talking points. When I referred to our president as pro-abortion, he told me that he is not pro-abortion but understands, rightfully so, that the president has no control over this issue (????) How many of our clergy follow the DNC platform more than the Catechism of the Catholic Church.


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