
Monday, May 16, 2022

One of Ohio's enduring characteristics

We don't like winning pro sports teams.  Absolutely not. College teams are good, especially if they're from The Ohio State University.  But winning pro franchises?  Perish the thought. 

Every now and then  something goes wrong and we end up with a winning team.  I'm looking at you Big Red Machine.  Perhaps one of the most dominating lineups in sporting history.  And what did the Reds management do to this prize winning team? Trade those bad boys away. 

The Cleveland Browns, who fought like mad dogs to keep their franchise after the move to Baltimore, embarked on a decades long losing streak.  So bad was it that a few years ago many were contemplating an end to the Browns once and for all.  Then came Baker Mayfield.  Within a year, its fortunes turned around. In two seasons there was talk of making it to the playoffs. 

So what was the reaction from Browns fans and Ohio sports media?  They ripped into Mayfield from day one.  Almost immediately anything he did was torn to pieces, any accomplishment downplayed.  Yes, he was injured and since then his on field performance has been compromised. But before that it was clear the Browns were not going to stand for a winning franchise. 

Now we're back to the Reds.  After struggles and many ups and downs, it looked like the team might have found a decent roster of players.  They weren't ready to take down the Yankees' records, or even the Big Red Machine for that matter.  But they showed promise. 

So what did the Reds management do? Trade those bad boys away pronto, that's what.  Leading us into this season where the Reds are on track to being one of the worst teams in baseball history.  Already they've flirted with catastrophic opening stats, losses, and this gem.  You pitch a no-hitter and still lose.  Do you realize how practiced in awfulness you have to be to allow no hits from the other team and still lose the game? 

But that's Ohio sports for you.  Football, especially of the college variety, is king. College basketball can show itself, and every now and then Cleveland may show promise on the court.  But most of the time our pro teams are cause for jokes and giggles, and not much more.  It's something the various teams' management seem determined to maintain. 


  1. Already they've flirted with catastrophic opening stats, losses, and this gem. You pitch a no-hitter and still lose. Do you realize how practiced in awfulness you have to be to allow no hits from the other team and still lose the game?

    Wait... what? I'm not a big baseball fan but I did a little little league. How is that even possible? Forfeiture seems to be the only answer.

    (Wish I could find the south park clip for this moment)

  2. Heh. They walked a player on the Pirates. But that's how badly they stink now, when it looked like there might be a chance for a winning lineup. Ah, Ohio.

    1. Finally found the clip!

      "They can bat themselves out!"

      Never thought Ohio would apparently make satire reality.

    2. Ha! Yep. We Ohioans are proud of our ability to live up to the standards of your average comedy skit.


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