
Monday, May 9, 2022

Laura Klassen helps MSNBC understand

Understand the difference between a vaccine and a baby.  Follow this link, and you'll see the ridiculous argument that compelling people to get a rushed through vaccine is the same as not letting women abort their pregnancies.  

Like so many arguments for progressives, it's stupid and so ridiculous you almost feel an SNL skit wouldn't do it justice.  Yet the man stands there, a serious face, and seems to think this is really a 'gotcha' moment.  For any thinking, sane person of good will, it's far from that. 

So in the clip below, the devoted Life defender Laura Klassen explains why the whole 'my body, my choice' is false to begin with, thus demonstrating the stupidity behind a 'vaccines equal babies' argument: 

Yep.  Again, like so many progressive arguments, it relies on a mountainous pile of credulity to accept.  Slick slogans and bumper sticker activism does wonders for justifying sin.  When one steps back and thinks honestly, however, it's not difficult to see the glaring problems.  

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