
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Another win for equality

Fast on the heels of this small victory for freedom comes another victory for equality and universal humanity.  A California law that would have made corporations hire based on various group identity labels over and against personal qualifications has been struck down as unconstitutional.

I'm sure there are more laws like this out there.  Likewise, aside from laws, there is pressure for everyone to see humanity through group identity glasses. God may have loved the world, but we must love the demographic group. 

Running along with this, we also have rejected equality and replaced it with equity.  What does that mean?  It means that, per the diversity training (labeled Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, or "DIE") we've seen in our own family's college education and work place training instruction, equality is bad, and must be replaced with equity.

But Dave, what does that mean?  It means depending on your group identity, we can assume you either have had privilege, or have been unfairly blocked from opportunities and chances to succeed.  Therefore, we must treat different people differently based upon what type of group they're in.  We can give to some, or take away from others.  Last year, when NYC said it would move minorities to the front of the line in the fight against Covid - therefore moving non-minorities to the back of the bus line - was an example of this thinking in progress.

And this isn't, by the way, some inferred belief about equality being bad.  It is stated explicitly in the training courses that equality was at best a pipe dream that was tried and found to be seriously wanting. It had, sadly, became a tool of oppression and discrimination and unfairness, and that's why we need to stop thinking in terms of equality.  At worst, some suggest equality  was always a sleight of hand to be used to keep the minority down.  Just as concepts like forgiveness, reconciliation, liberty and even democracy. 

Because this is happening outside the hallowed halls of law and legislature, my guess is we'll see more of these laws in the future.  As goes the culture, eventually so go the laws.  But a victory, no matter how slight and temporary, is at least a victory

An educational image I've seen on not a few Catholic sites.  Equity is good. Equality bad.
And anything Western has to go (that would be the fence)

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