
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Joe Rogan, Spotify, and life in a post-American leftist paradise


That's the message sent from Spotify's CEO.  That Rogan has buckled and apologized is about par for the course.  One reason we had Trump was less an indictment on leftists, or liberals, or Democrats, as much a call out against the Conservative Establishment Resistance - of which there was little to none.  

Nonetheless, since Trump I fear we've seen the rise of a new brand of 'bold warriors against the darkness' who are doing so because, well, that's where the money is.  Like FOX News was merely a business venture exploiting the concerns of the day, so these brave and bold pundits will charge forth into the ratings, only to do what Rogan has done, and that's buckle, surrender or grovel at the first push-back.  

Now, I know little to nothing about Rogan. I've seen a few clips, generally when someone sends me a link.  It's not my cup of tea to begin with, and part of my disdain for his actions could be from my general dislike of that sort of format.  Bias acknowledged. 

But notice what we see with Spotify.  That is a CEO who knows we already are living the Twilight Zone episode The Obsolete Man.  The Left - secular, tyrannical, duplicitous and void of principles or morals - will stamp you out in a fast heartbeat.  That he must feel some obligation to allow Rogan to continue (perhaps ratings from the millions of followers Rogan has?), speaks to his lofty standards as much as Rogan's light speed groveling says about his. 

How is it we can't win against a thrall of tyranny like Spotify's CEO?  A big problem conservatives have today is a lack of leadership and representation.  In the GOP, there are some who fight the good fight, but they are rare.  In journalism and other punditry, it is all over the place.  Some spend more time being Never Trumpers than caring about the good fight.  Others bravely step up to the fray with all the courage of the Cowardly Lion.  In such a time as this, that's about on par with having nothing at all on your side. 


  1. Replies
    1. Heh. I think we have it down now. But you get my point. Rogan could have used this to really attack this whole 'racism as the sin Jesus could never forgive' template of modern McCarthyism. He didn't. He just buckled and repeated the typical talking points the Left demands.

    2. Oh I agree with you on that. But part of me is, can you blame him? If he stood up he probably would have gotten blasted for doing something wrong. Heck part of this whole ordeal, he wasn't even standing up that much and they were already doing supercuts of statements devoid of context.

      If you can't do anything right, best bet is to do nothing at all.

    3. Quote from Ace of Spades today relevant to our discussion. ("Damned if you do, damned if you don't" is very much how I've been feeling - can't believe I forgot that phrase.)

      "I'm not saying the truckers shouldn't come to DC. It's kind of a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. There has to be protest. There has to be pushback. The problem is, we now have a government in power that is so desperate and fearful as well as drunk on its own power that what happened up in Ottawa is making their mouths water at the prospect of doing it here.

      The idea that they can actually strangle any and all voices of opposition - not just in a trucker convoy but all over the country, in the media and right here where we live on the internet - is just way too tempting. Especially now that their agenda and what they have wrought is collapsing in on them.

      We are fast approaching a moment of truth here. Yikes."

    4. What I would like someone like Rogan to do is to hit back as liberals do. For all my life, liberals frame all debates as 'do you agree or do you love Hitler?'. Let Rogan do that. I realize that for many liberals today, judging and condemning sins is all that matters, and forgiveness no longer has any value.' Or something like that. Take the fight to them instead of forever defending and reacting.

    5. Oh, and I believe that is right. At what point what do we do since the Left is becoming more brazen about it's willingness to invoke the power they once so loudly condemned to crush dissent. The problem being so many who should stand up won't. That was my issue with Rogan. We can't keep buckling and groveling because it will get us to where we are.

    6. Well... yeah! That's what I've been on about too! Why I've been wanting to talk with people about rules of engagement and how to deal with our principles in all this. Like I believe in forgiveness and that one of the things killing the left is it's lack of forgiveness is purging too many (hence why we don't want to repeat the same mistake). But also we can't be so forgiving that we just give them the opportunity to stab us in the back. That maybe penance of some kind is needed too. (in this example)

      Now I wonder what we were arguing about. lol

    7. I'm not sure. I think forgiveness is certainly key, and the Left now all but boasts of its disdain for pity, mercy or forgiveness - unless it says so. But I think for me it comes down to finding, perhaps, better representatives to carry the flag. I think that's been a problem for conservatives for many years. Not just the insincere ones, but the ones who might be passionate and sincere but perhaps aren't the best to wade into the conflict.

  2. What the Republicans need is a leader who combines the fighting spirit of Trump with the moderate tone of McCain. McCain was a nice guy but too weak to put up a fight. Trump was a hard fighter who shot himself in the foot by accidentally giving the establishment media amunition to use against him, often making himself look like a slightly toned-down Republican virsion of Mark Shea.

    1. I always felt McCain loved the attention he got from the press for being that Republican who spends much of his time beating up Republicans. I often wonder if it shocked him when the press came after him in 2008 once he had the nomination. But I get your point. The fighting spirit of Trump is what we need, just without it being Trump. Trump has made it clear he expects total obedience or he will happily join the opposition and attack his own supporters if they don't snap to and behave. That is not what we need.

    2. Obama was the worst president in American history up to that date, and perhaps up to today. The only good thing I can say about him is that he was not John McCain.

      I think the Trump alternative America (which is my concern, rather than the Republican Party) needed and wanted was Ross Perot. He was an outsider who would have shaken up the system, but he had actual business skills, and he had actually served in the military. Perot was by no means perfect, but he was better than what we've had for the past 30 years.

    3. "he was better than what we've had for the past 30 years."

      A low bar to be sure. But yes, Trump was that last desperate gamble. I've often compared it to the criminals turning to the Joker in The Dark Knight.


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