
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Black Catholics and the rising white hate

 So I saw this:

Here's my thing.  I've been Catholic since 2005, and I have yet to hear the word homosexuality spoken.  Not in RCIA. Never in a homily.  On occasion I've heard marriage spoken about in where it's framed as a bond is between a man and woman, but that's it. Yet to hear gay activists, you'd think every parish is a gas chamber in which the LGBTQ community is routinely assaulted and terrorized and singled out for suffering and ultimate extermination. 

That's one of the modern world's neatest tricks.  If you don't worship me as god of my reality, it's the same as saying you want Hitler to come back from the dead and murder me in a gas chamber.  With that standard established, how much worse is it if you actually say something, like I'm wrong? 

I see black Americans going this way now.  I've already written about the dearth of 'Righteous Gentiles of the Civil Rights era' in the black community. That is, no real emphasis given to whites who gave it all for the sake of black liberation.  Sometimes I've heard black activists insist no white was ever anything but a racist at heart, no matter what they did.  

This sentiment is being fostered today by the Left, and increasingly accepted by the Church.  So it shouldn't come as a surprise that I'm seeing black Catholics speak as if every parish is a cotton field existing for the sole purpose of pissing on and oppressing black Catholics.  Despite the fact that I have yet to ever come close to experiencing this, and those Catholics I know who are black are as confused about such a sentiment as I am. 

The sad fact is, people can be swayed to see the world a certain way, whether it is the correct way or not.  It's easier if you are asked to see it in a convenient way. A way that sets you against them. A way that sets you over them.  A way in which they are to blame, not you.  A way in which, quite frankly, you're the one with a star on your belly and not them.  It should come as no surprise to anyone that black Catholics would be among those warming up to the idea of seeing the enemy, and realizing it's all those other Catholics over there. It's the slick and easy way to go in our world today.  As it always has been. 


  1. I think narcissism is a constitutional component of male homosexuality, though fairly unimportant in the daily lives of the rank-and-file. For many, they fancy themselves Special and they have a neuralgic reaction to people who tell them you're not Special, especially when they're told that they are damaged in consequential ways.

    As for the lesbian population, quite a few of them are just bloody angry people. Angry at the world at large, angry at each other.

    1. It's odd how most admit that problems of abuse and psychological issues are unusually high in the whole LGBTQ community, but nobody bothers to see if there is a connection. They're merely told they are awesome and heroes because of their identity.

    2. Because the professional associations who organize the mental health trade are run by frauds. Critics of the homosexual population are systematically harassed.

    3. I began to suspect much of the mental health industry years ago. I'm not saying it's all bad. But it's not hard to see that 1) something isn't working when we pour unprecedented amounts of time and money into the industry while mental health problems skyrocket, and 2) something is wrong when the MH industry increasingly says reality is a state of mind, but not being able to find your car keys requires counseling.

    4. There's a pretty strong correlation between polycystic ovarian syndrome and same-sex attraction in women. One sample (618 women seeking help with infertility) found that 38% of the lesbians had PCOS, and 80% had polycystic ovaries. This compared with 14% PCOS and 32% PCO in heterosexual women. These conditions are caused by increased androgen levels. In this sample, the lesbian women with PCO and/or PCOS had higher androgen levels than the straight women.

    5. Interesting. My hunch is that people are inclined toward non-heterosexual tendencies for a variety of reasons, not just one. Though even if there are physiological reasons, I'm not sold on that being a validation for living out the tendencies.

    6. I agree with Art Deco 1 M % !!!

  2. In re blacks, narcissism and megalomania are promoted by the educational system and the media. It's much more an artifact of the official culture than it is am organic feature of the black psyche. White leftists are social and cultural gangrene.

    1. I still think this is no coincidence. I've said before, I think the Left is Wormtongue to the black community. The question is why, after decades of no real promises fulfilled, they keep holding onto the same losing side.

    2. I am personally of the opinion that it's somewhat organic. The Word of God has a name for it - pride. Pride is a feature of fallen human nature. It's interesting that you notice the narcissism and megalomania as well. I actually wrote about it on my blog. In my opinion, it's induced psychopathology as a result of a century of Marxist conditioning. Persecution complex, superiority/inferiority complex, narcissism, megalomania - all in service to the political and financial ends of people who don't really care. People who move to rich, white neighborhoods as soon as they get their money.

      As for why so many black people "keep holding to the same losing side." Critical theory is, in part, a rejection of objectivity. This rejection precludes the ability to rationally evaluate whether a course of action or policy is achieving the desired outcome. Why bother when you can say the equivalent of "I meant to do that!" Or just blame it on some external factor. Moreover, accepting certain logical conclusions often means accepting other undesirable truths, so people essentially teach themselves not to think or come to obvious conclusions. Think of the people who wanted to defund or abolish the police. They want to criticize people who, rightly, mock them for failing to see the obvious conclusion of such a policy. Of course, then you'd have to accept the reality of sky-high black crime rates. And the reality that theft not only won't fix poverty, it creates poverty. And the reality that you made the crime-ridden bed in which you now sleep. Pride keeps people on the road to hell even when they finally realize where they're going. That's why God's righteous hatred is directed towards pride.

    3. In case it's not clear, the first paragraph was directed at Art Deco. Second at David Griffey.

    4. Yep. Pride is the foundational sin upon which so many sins are built. That we have an entire month dedicated to celebrating and embracing this sin speaks volumes for our society. And I think you're correct about pride being a reason why people who know better don't admit better.

  3. Replies
    1. I think I've read him from links over at John Wright's blog. That's about par for the course for most I know. Most blacks who are friends or who I've worked with reject this modern 'shift the race hate' strategy. Sadly, it seems more popular among younger blacks. And, no matter how many I know who reject these things, they still keep loyal to the same side.

    2. Yeah JCW is where I learned of him, Dave.

      I wouldn't be too harsh though. There are more out there changing than you realize...

    3. Thanks for the recommendation, Nate. Mr. Griffey, if you know any black people, please send them to my site. Doesn't matter what their beliefs are. And thanks for reading.

      I don't know what you mean precisely by "they still keep loyal to the same side" (always vote democrat?), but one of the things I do is lay out a theory for why, challenge that reasoning, and offer up alternatives. Off the top of my head, the main reasons for this are

      Fear which comes from years of social conditioning. There's a kind of "Overton window" that black people pick up over time. People who break out of the conditioning (and Nate is right - they exist), are in always in the socially weak position. When publicly arguing against certain things, you'll likely be the only one and everyone has ready-made narratives to place you in and names to call you. Everyone will take the side of your opponent. Your opponent(s) gets a high from a sense of self-righteousness and connection with the larger group, you feel left out in the cold and completely alone. Sensemaking? Truth? Irrelevant to your opponents. It's no different than what's happening everywhere else in our society. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions." The malefactors higher up in this pyramid are simply taking advantage of common weaknesses in human nature. The rest is years of repetition.

      Another reason is a corrupted sense of love/loyalty (wrote about this on my blog). You must love God more than you love even your family and your loyalty should be to Him above all else. It's not possible to love anyone else properly if you don't love God first. If you go outside the window, you'll be given a very patronizing impromptu black history lesson at best or, more typically, called a traitor (Uncle Tom/Ruckus, etc). It's nonsense if you actually think about it. Most people don't.

      Final reason is pride. One of the things I contend on my blog is that practically every black person knows that at least some of what they believe is absolute nonsense to varying degrees. Some don't speak up or change out of fear. Some out of pride.

      I don't want to write a whole essay here, but one thing that can short out these different mechanisms is forming your own community. So if you know any black people who'd love my stuff (and even those who wouldn't) send them my way.

    4. I certainly will.

      The rest of your comment makes sense. Though I wonder if there is also a purposeful manipulation of the black community as well. I've written before that when I notice it's almost always white liberals who insist standards and expectations for black Americans must be lowered, or that everywhere are [other] white Americans itching to harm black Americans, it puts me in mind of Grima Wormtongue in Lord of the Rings whispering to King Theoden that he's an old, elderly man whose abilities are long behind him, so best to let Saruman take over.

  4. That interaction is a whole lotta yikes. Patrick Coffin is now an officially sede a-hole who has flirted with loons like E. Michael Jones. He's the unusual case where I wouldn't immediately dismiss a charge of racism as cheap defamation.

    Rich Raho is a bog-standard modernist who conflates the Holy Ghost with end-stage western progressivism. As to the Jezwit, he offers the usual cancer. The empty emoji "activism" summarizes their contemporary witness.

    Anyway, I think there's still significant residual racism out there--Lord knows the Catholic academy is copy-paper white. But identity politics is a new "separate but equal" answer to race relations, with all that entails. A pox upon all of them.

    1. I'm sure there is residual racism. Heck, I can safely bet there is actual racism since I know there is. I've seen more than one who fits the traditional definition of racist. But as you said, the current solution is to simply replace the old racism to a new racism. Hence those who only use the word 'white' as a negative. While I doubt racism will ever go away - it's too universal in human history - we can try to mitigate it. What I'm seeing now, however, is inflaming it and encouraging it, likely for reasons that have nothing to do with eliminating it.

  5. Thanks for writing this. I've been a Priest for 40 years and only once have I heard someone say something racist in a parish. This was a man I had just met at my current parish nearly 20 years ago. His name had a vowel at the end and his family had been prominent years before. At a Parish Festival he tried to get me to drink a swig of his whiskey. I could tell he was already inebriated. He said: "Father, I have some advice for you. If you want this to be a good parish get rid of the Mexicans." I grabbed him by the shirt collar and told him that if I ever heard him talk like that again he'd wish he had his mommy there to protect him. Then I told him to get off the property. Another parishioner saw what was happening and came over and asked what was going on. I said: "This gentleman needs a ride to the edge of the city or to his own home." The parishioner, a huge guy, nearly dragged him to his car and drove away.

    We're in Downey, California. I grew up here. The Police used to tell minorities to get to the city boundaries and out before sunset. The old racist knew that. We've had Priests from Africa, India, South America, Korea, China and South Vietnam here. We've had pasty white guys like me. I've not seen any other incidents of racial discrimination or slurs in the parish since that day. The same has been true of every other of the seven parishes I've been in.
    I agree that there is residual racism even in the Catholic Church. But we should remember that the KKK didn't like us Catholics either! There is anti-Catholicism, anti-Semitism, and many other prejudices. I can't list them all but I'm sure most of the readers here can think of some.
    This is not an excuse for any of it, however we must remember that "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God". That includes me. Anyone who thinks that the Catholic Church is largely racist must be sniffing in deep, stinky corners where even the rats won't go.

    1. Oh racism is there, and always will be. Unfortunately, racism is also a universal problem, not the one confined to only white Americans. That's why this push to get black Americans to rage hate against whites under the pretense that it couldn't be racism (since racism is ever and only a white thing) is stupid at best, sin and evil at worst. That doesn't mean there isn't traditional Hollywood variety racism in America. But this approach of replacing old racism with the new racism will do little but create more racists across the board.

    2. I am an Indianapolis south side Catholic and the prejudice here, coming from Masonic influence, is palpable. It's subtle but if you have eyes to see and ears to hear, you know it's there. Their men marry Catholic women whose families pay for huge weddings...and the first thing the couple do together is 'search for a church in which they can worship together'. It's here. It's real.

  6. One of the insidious ways used to draw more blacks into the anti-white camp is the use of the slogan "black lives matter" that many people of all races and creeds blindly promote and thereby help push the anti-white narrative that is a fundamental aspect of the slogan.

    As I have written elsewhere (if interested, see my full post at, on the surface the slogan looks fairly benign, but the primary meaning of the slogan that is insisted upon by those who promote its widespread usage is that black lives are abused and killed in large numbers and/or too often by police officers and white racists, and white people en masse and the legal system do not really care when these particular black lives are abused or destroyed, but these lives matter. In this regard, then, the slogan means basically this: 'Hey, white people and legal authorities! Stop ignoring and not caring about the ongoing slaughter and abuse of black people by racist police officers, the legal system, and white racists in general. Black lives matter, you immoral racists.'

    However, this is an egregiously false and unjust narrative that is not backed up by any objective data and other facts about such killings and abuse that the protesters and rioters and fellow travelers intentionally ignore......

    ......So in the pursuit of actual justice based on objective truth, fully recognize and inform others that the protest slogan 'black lives matter' fundamentally represents a racist narrative that wrongly accuses others of being bigoted toward black people. It should never be seen as expressing anything that can be agreed with because of its inherent immorality in its primary interpretation used in protest. And if you wish to test this claim, simply respond to anybody who chants 'black lives matter' as part of a protest with the highly moral 'all lives matter' declaration that does express a legitimate sentiment, and if you are not accused of being racist and dismissed or accosted, you will be quickly told what 'black lives matter' really means when used in protest, and then you will be treated to the bigoted and false narrative described above while also being told that 'all lives matter' misses the point and is also racist because it refuses to acknowledge the "real message" of 'black lives matter.'  The protest slogan is pure rubbish that must never be accepted as anything other than false, malicious, and destructive propaganda that likely brings a big smile to the evil one’s hellish countenance.


    1. I just noticed that the citation I provided in the comments above was inadvertently cut off, so if indeed interested in checking my full post on this, see

    2. I find Black Lives Matter to be one of the great coups of our era. The thought that we've allowed the idea that 'all lives matter' to be some racist slogan is simply the first step toward implementing policy based on the idea that not all lives matter. The speed with which so many Christian leaders have embraced this shows that we lost the war some years ago. Of course the fact that the premise of BLM is itself false is of little concern for those advocating it. BLM, like most things today, isn't based on truth or reality. And since we're in an age that doesn't really care about such things either, it's free to declare whatever and get away with it.

    3. Thanks, David. A few days ago I watched a despicable 10-second video ( that showed some little kids in a school who were compelled to march with signs and chant the "black lives matter" slogan. This made my blood boil as it is pure conditioning of children right out of an anti-white playbook. Parents who permit this abuse of their children are also engaged in parental malpractice and should be ashamed of themselves, but as useful idiots, they likely believe that they are doing a good thing to help make their children "anti-racist" when in reality they are filling their children with lies that will indeed lead to what you set forth regarding implementing policies that end up diminishing many lives. God Bless.

    4. Absolutely appalling. But effective. It appears to me to be a form of guilt by association leading to elimination. The white race is a pox on humanity. Everything white is what's wrong with the world. Things like equality, democracy and liberty came from whiteness. Therefore those things must go.

      It makes me think of my wife's company. Following the 2020 fiasco, employees in her company were forced to attend a diversity training conference in which white employees were called upon to apologize for, well, being white. Thankfully, her supervisor stepped in and did it on behalf of their team so she didn't have to. But again, think on that. It's the old KKK/Nazi principle, just repackaged and aimed at the race of those delivering it - white liberals. I fear, however, that a growing number of non-whites are beginning to warm up to this socially sanctioned race hate and ethnic cleansing.


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