
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Covid prayers for our family

I suppose it was inevitable, but two of my sons have tested positive for Covid.  So far cold like symptoms, congestion and coughing, soar throat and occasional body aches.  I had the same, but tested negative, as has everyone else in the homestead.  

Being a family in close quarters, and two individuals with high risk medical conditions, we're being as cautious as possible.  Everyone knows that we haven't been vaccinated.  Given our record with vaccinations, and the ever evolving story of their efficacy versus side effects, we just didn't feel safe going that direction.

So we'll see.  We'll have to do our best to get everyone through this.  Naturally we're concerned.  As I've said, it isn't as if Covid is no big deal.  But we'll try to use common sense and follow the best advice about tackling this as is available, against that which makes common sense.  

Prayers would be appreciated during this time.  I'll post updates as they occur.  

UPDATE: Two more have tested positive, my youngest and me.  The others appear OK.  We'll keep praying and doing what we can. 

UPDATE II:  We have no way of knowing exactly when we got this.  My two sons tested positive on Tuesday, and my youngest and I yesterday.  It's very much like a worse than normal cold with congestion, annoying coughing and sore throats being the common symptoms.  My wife and mom are living in the west side of the house, and my second oldest staying with his girlfriend's family.  His workplace starts a policy on January that if anyone misses past sick day limits to Covid and hasn't been vaccinated, they'll be fired.  So he must stay away.  We figure it will give them a nice preview of being together in a controlled environment.  Overall things are slightly better today, but only on some averaging out of the symptoms. That is, in a couple certain symptoms are worse.  Other symptoms are better.  I'm probably the worst of the bunch, with a lingering fatigue, but then I'm the oldest.  Oddly the doctor responded with a pretty low key list of suggestion on how to deal with this.  

UPDATE III: Well our second youngest just tested positive, so he'll be coming back.  His girlfriend's family have all been vaccinated, so we'll see there.  I fear this is just going to go through our whole house.  My wife and mom are in isolation, but it isn't as if we're living in a castle or anything.  So we'll see. My mom and wife are the ones we're most concerned about for obvious reasons.  

UPDATE IV: It's official, everyone has it.  Well, we haven't tested my mom.  At her age, we fear the nasal test would play havoc on her and likely not get a good read after several tries.  Given the first signs that the rest of us have had, we'll assume.  So that's that.  The whole household.  Things are ebbing and flowing with us, and those who have had it the longest are sort of on a two steps forward and one step back trajectory.  So prayers will be appreciated, especially for my wife and mom, but really for us all.  Thanks. 


  1. With any luck you've been hit with Omicron which is pretty much a cold and should help your body develop old-fashioned immunity which seems to be longer lasting than the vaccine shortcut.

    Praying for you and yours, Dave.

    1. Thanks. We're hoping. One sounds pretty bad, the other like a mild cold. We're watching everyone else. I'll keep posted, and prayers will be appreciated.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you. We figure it's likely to spread like fire through the house. So far like having a bad head cold.

  3. Praying…
    Must be nerve racking

    1. It is. If it was one of us I think we could rally around. But with several positive and the others negative, it's like tap dancing in a mine field.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! Keep them up and I'll update accordingly.

  5. Do you have an oxygen meter? You need to be tracking your blood oxygen levels, you and your wife and your mother especially. They're inexpensive and easy to use. If you haven't got one, they're at Walgreens.

    1. Yeah, we have one. We have BP monitor, thermometer, and the oxygen meter. We take routine checks through the day. So far it's playing out like a bad cold. Two of my sons seem to be improving. My other son and I are sort of at the two steps forward, one back. And my wife and other son are still in the big symptoms. My mom so far has a cough, but that appears to be all. But thanks!

    2. Take care. By some accounts, it's the 5th day and by some the 7th day when things start to go south if they're going to go south.

      Your son's employer is being unreasonable, btw.


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