
Friday, December 3, 2021

An Advent greeting from the Pride Community


Any movement that takes its name from one of the Seven Deadly Sins should be avoided. 

On the other hand, Pride fits.  Only a movement wrapped in pride would continue in the same direction as millions of its own members die from the very goals the movement has obtained.  In America, the majority who have died of AIDS identify as homosexual.  But that seems to be small potatoes.  As does the endless millions of others who of have died of AIDS worldwide.  Never mind the hundreds of millions of abortions and millions of lives otherwise wrecked and shattered.  It takes a certain golly-gee-wiz to stand on a pile of bodies higher than Everest and still have pride in your accomplishments.  Such is the 21st Century in a nutshell. 

Yet, despite this, the Church has been utterly impotent when it comes to standing up to the carnage and suffering of this sexual revolution.  I'm not sure which is worse. 

Remember kids, Christmas is all about us being saved from such sin, not being given a blank check to embrace it no matter how many die.  That might be the Xmas of the world, but it isn't the Christmas of the Gospel of Christ. 


  1. He does realize every culture portrays Jesus as a reflection of itself, right? Not just white folks?

    1. This point was brought out in a thread last year when so many statues of white figures were being destroyed. It was mentioned that other cultures do what you say. The response was that they only did so because of the racist colonial oppression of the Church and West, and it was their way of 'rebelling' against their oppressors. As I've said, I think us old codgers miss just how far and how fast things have unravelled.

  2. It's a little hard to stomach that horrible tweet. At what point do we whip the money changers instead of offering our foes our other cheek. I pray for the strength to continue offer my other cheek, but more an more these days I'm enraged to the point where letting things slide is almost never my first thought.

    1. I hear you. I'd like to think at some point Christians would turn and fight. Maybe not with worldly weapons, but to start calling out the lies and evils that we've been accommodating and compromising with for generations, since it's clear the World isn't going to stop. I fear waiting for our leaders to pave the way is going to be a long wait.


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