
Friday, November 19, 2021

If we stop making professional athelets and celebraties who hate us rich

Perhaps they'll go away.  

Here is a collection of white hating, anti-Western athletes supporting death and violence - as long as the death and violence goes to tearing down the Western Tradition.   And here is a spate of millionaire celebrities doing the same.   The excuse for voicing the hatred is the Rittenhouse verdict.  But the hatred is there whatever the verdict would have been.  They would merely have had to find another excuse. 

Again, the global oligarchy is becoming brazen about its hatred of white people, little people, and working thralls.  Yet like slaves in front of a whip, we trot off to pour money into the latest product and keep making them rich.  There may come a day when we learn.  I don't think that day is near. 


  1. Well Dave, like I point out elsewhere, population numbers have reached the point it doesn't matter, you can get rich appealing to a narrow audience.

    I mean America alone has 330 million people. Say I earn just $1 from 1% of them. Well I just made 3.3 million dollars.

    Doesn't matter if 99% of the rest of country hates me, as long as I have that dedicated 1%.

    1. Yep. That's a big thing today. A box office bomb can still rake in the money on a global scale. They can - and do - produce garbage, but they'll still see profits in the tens of millions. Same with business. When I worked at a bank some years ago, I noticed just how crappy the service was, and how often mistakes screwed up people's accounts. But what did they care? They're a massive monster bank with enough employees to populate a country, and so many customers it can barely keep up. If a few thousand get screwed over and leave, what does it care? I think vast global markets are not quite as conducive to the old 'encourages innovation and quality' as we imagine.

  2. A defender of Kenesaw Mountain Landis offered that you could criticize his methods and particular decisions, but he did keep baseball clean enough to keep its audience. In this vein, he noted that in 1920, the two most popular spectator sports in the country were baseball and boxing. Baseball remained on top 70 years later, whereas boxing was a niche taste (with an ever proliferating set of weight categories and sanctioning organizations, however). As late as 1950, the middleweight champion was a household name and as late as 1975 the heavyweight champion was so. Now?

    If we're fortunate, basketball and football clean up their act and quit allowing themselves to be used for sectarian politics. If we're somewhat less fortunate, those sports end up like boxing.

    One thing I'd like to see: the end of collegebowl. Have football and basketball franchises set up a commercial farm team system like baseball. The colleges and universities can deed over their stadiums for $1 each and it wouldn't displease me at all.

    1. My son has often tried to figure out an alternative to the college bowl series. Whatever solutions are out there, the ones they've tried haven't worked.

      But for politics, it's odd, but growing up the one sport that was front political was boxing, because of Mohamed Ali. I knew less about his boxing record than I did his protests and activism. With few exceptions, in those days that is the one I remember being tilted toward the story of the message over what was going on in the ring. And now I'm only vaguely aware that boxing still exists.

    2. My son has often tried to figure out an alternative to the college bowl series. Whatever solutions are out there, the ones they've tried haven't worked.

      The NCAA is an enormous multi-state organization. It's activities are an apt subject for federal legislation (unlike much of that to which federal legislators put their mind). Also, about 27% of all college students are attending out of state. Ample scope for properly regulating the vendor-customer relationship in re those specific students.


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