
Saturday, November 27, 2021

CNN says there is nothing more frighting than an angry white man

Really.  That's its racist headline.  Pure racism.  If you believe that now, you/'d have believed what Nazis said about Jews in the 1930s, or the KKK says about blacks.  It's pure, unadulterated racism plain and simple.  

CNN reminds you that the Left, with its increasingly out of the closet love affair with Marx and communism, cares nothing about race or racism.  If it's convenient for the agenda to invoke Nazi-like hatred of whites, then Nazi-like hatred of whites it is.  If it was building up whites as the Aryan master race, then so be it if it would be convenient for the cause.

Likewise, CNN doesn't appear to give a flying flip about thousands of blacks killed in black on black violence, or anything really.  If a hundred blacks were lynched tomorrow, it's doubtful that the Left would give a rip.  Unless, of course, it was convenient to do so.

In the same vein, the working class and lower income Americans being devastated by Covid lockdowns last year, or inflation rates today, are of no concern.  Find any major news outlet not conservative that seems to care.  I've not seen them.  Most of them are assuring me that while prices are rising, it's really no big deal.  Overall things are looking great!  Please ignore the poor. 

The Left, not liberalism but the Left, is altogether evil.  It is the demonic incarnate.  If you don't see that, you're a fool, a coward, or you're on the side of the evil.  Know the enemy people, and you'll see it's really the Enemy as always.  


  1. Fave, liberalism is evil. It's merely leftism in swaddling clothes.

    1. The term "liberalism" can mean many things. Stuff we now call "Conservative" was once considered liberal (or "classical liberal," if I'm not mistaken, it's convoluted). The FDR style Democrats made plenty of mistakes, but calling their form of liberalism "leftism in swaddling clothes," seems a little extreme. Unless that's not what you meant when you used the term. Half of all politics seem to be semantics sometimes.

    2. For the longest time I distinguished between the two, but as the left manifests ever greater evils and liberals refuse to call them out, it becomes tougher to do so.

    3. I feel like that's more a case of Liberals becoming Leftist and less a case of Liberalism and Leftism being the same thing.
      (Though to be fair a lot of it is semantics).

  2. I agree with the substance of your posts 95% of the time, but I'm concerned that your rhetoric and tone are becoming a bit Mark Sheaish (I say this as a fan who'd been enjoying your stuff since 2015). I know it's difficult to keep your cool during times like this. How do you call out the kind of crap Big Tech, Biden and the various Communist, Neo-Comunist and Qasi-Communist weirdos are doing without sounding like a nutcase yourself? I realize it's not easy, especially on the internet.

    1. I get you. I believe you've pointed that out before. I am aware of the danger of slipping down that slope and try my best to avoid that online temptation. With that said, there are evils that demand more than polite rhetoric. The sudden explosion of racism and race hate aimed at white Americans should be condemned as harshly and loudly as any aimed at Jews, blacks, or any ethnic group. Mark's rhetoric isn't always misplaced. If he aims his rhetoric at the evil of racism, or abortion, or other grave sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance, that's fine. His fault is that he aims rhetoric that often goes beyond harsh to calumnious, and often in service of the very evils and sins he once condemned.

    2. Yeah I feel conflicted on it too.

      On the one hand, you don't want to go over the top.

      On the other hand, you sit there and watch whole swaths of the country making a martyr and hero out of a convicted pedophile.

      This is why I really wish I could get people to sit down and have a discussion. Like, "ok when can we now agree is a perfect time to panic?"

    3. Yep. At this point, the press is conspiring to suppress a story about a white hating black racist who allegedly murdered six white people. A narrative killer, and the press knows it. So it purposefully manipulates the stories (or does their best to suppress the stories) because they don't serve the greater agenda. That is evil and should be called out. Speaking of whites the way Nazis spoke of Jews is evil. I will not stand by and have my sons marked as worthy of suffering due to their accident of birth, even if armies of Christian leaders, including Catholics, join in and march under the banner of 'this time it's OK because we condemn the correct skin color.' I think that's the trick. There comes a time when the Chamberlain approach is no longer acceptable. I think we're pretty much there.


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