
Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Satanists and New Prolife Catholics dealt setback

As the attempt to overcome Texas's abortion restrictions falls flat.  Must be tough.  An interesting alliance that speaks volumes about those who have not transferred membership to the Secular Church and those who have.  

It's more than just bad optics that so many New Prolife Catholics chose to blast Texas for its attempts to stop the horrific evil of our age.  It's worse than just the bad look that comes with Satanists proudly joining with those New Prolife Catholics in an attempt to keep the Texas abortion mills turning. 

It reminds us that we are in a cosmic battle between good and evil.  That's Good and Evil.  Objective Good, objective Evil.  The Sacred and the Demonic. Choose wisely. There's at least a chance that secularism's spin on the historical Gospel message may be as faulty as all the different claims made about Covid in the last year and a half. 


  1. At some point someone in the NPLM needs to go a little upstream and address why there's such a high demand for abortions in the first place. Expectant mothers and infants are pretty much cost covered carte blanche by state aid at this point, so the argument that we just need to give people more money is not exactly compelling, in my opinion. There's not even a stigma anymore for pregnancy out of wedlock and women are even celebrated as "brave" for not choosing to abort. But no one talks about the proper place for sex being in marriage because...babies are the intended outcome of the "marital act."
    And if you go a little farther up the stream, no one is talking about the devastating effects of divorce on our society and the fallout from that. Fighting legal abortion is absolutely necessary, but it does feel like a bit of a bandaid approach to a problem if we simply continue to tolerate or, worse, condone the rampant disorder, starting with individual disorder, that leads to such high demands for abortion in the first place.

    1. The problem is they use the 'it's the economy stupid' principle to avoid confronting the larger problem. The problem is a godless movement that entices people into a life of debauchery and pride, and assuring us that no price is too steep. To that end, abortion for the most part is simply another birth control method. Some may include poverty as a reason, but most also include other reasons as well. Some who say money mean having kids get in their way of getting more money, not just eating and having shelter. Again, those who only focus on the money do it in order to dodge the bigger issues. Why is another matter. But that they do so is clear.

  2. "You desire but do not have, so you kill". James4:2 is the ultimate reason for abortion. She wants more money, more freedom, more leisure time, less responsibility, etc.

    Mark Shea is craven, mentally and spiritually disturbed, anti Catholic and anti life.

    1. At this point I'd say that cabal of Internet Catholics have become thralls of the Left. Period. Their job is to defend it at all costs. If the Left goes to far, say with unbridled abortion, simply deflect. But the core reason for abortion is, as you point out, easy to see.


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