
Friday, October 22, 2021

If Republicans can't win against this

Then they deserve to lose.  

It's almost vomit inducing to see leftwing Democrats all but piss on suffering Americans, knowing full well the media and cultural corps are firmly in their pockets (or they're in the corporate pockets, not sure which). I was shocked I found the few national stories I found calling this out (most were decidedly conservative or anti-left outlets). 

Fact is, most Americans aren't upset they aren't getting their treadmills since most in 2021 can't afford treadmills.  That's for the upper 1/3 of the country.  Most are seeing their ability to feed their families and afford basic needs for living severally compromised. 

But our elites don't care, any more than they give two swinging damns or a hell about blacks, women, Asians, Hispanics, or anyone for that matter (except the LGBTQ community, which is ever and always sacred, with exception).  When convenient, they care.  When the suffering can't be exploited, let them rot.  

Exactly what New Prolife Catholics will do to fight this snobbery and contempt for the suffering of the least of these - for it is the least of these who are suffering in this - I don't know. I'd like to think this would push them over and force them to call out such flagrant disregard for human needs.  We'll see. 


  1. "It's amazing [the Republicans] have won any elections."
    -Quote from this podcast (around 12:50 mark)

    To give you an idea of how badly the game has been rigged for 40 years, Sean Spicer got in trouble for violating this 1980s consent decree for BEING ON THE WRONG FLOOR in the Trump Tower in 2016.

    1. I get that they've got the deck stacked against them. That should make them fight harder, not come out for fundraising opportunities. They should be taking to the streets to fight the iconoclasm against our nation's heritage. They should be out there forcing the MSM to cover ugly stories about the radical left that the press happily ignores. I'm just not seeing it.

    2. Many prominent Republicans fall into one of two categories: grifters and losers. What I mean by "grifter" should be obvious. Grifters have very little to gain by actually winning because it puts them in the position of actually carrying through at least SOME promises, which are often disliked by their greatest donors. The best position for them to be in is to lose slightly, in which case they can say "We'll get 'em next time, but only if you keep donating!"

      By "losers" I don't just mean people who lose, but rather people who love to lose. Usually these are people who say "I would rather lose with my principles than win dishonestly" but take away the message that losing is the ultimate sign that you have principles. After all, no one would try to lose, so consistent losers must lose because they value their principles so highly! Some losers overlap with grifters, but some honestly believe in what they are doing. However the "honest" losers have still deceived themselves in that they never move to make the playing field even by stopping the dems from acting without principle. When asked they will just say something like "if the democrats cheat, that just means that we are better than them. If we can't defeat them by working harder than they do to overcome their cheating, we never deserved to win." You often see this sort of thing come up in questions of voter fraud; there are always republicans who say "If we just had a 'fraud proof' lead in the polls, cheating wouldn't have been an issue!" and then use this as a reason that we shouldn't focus on curtailing fraud.

      So when you get right down to it a lot of Republicans, perhaps 50-75% of them, have an active interest in losing.

    3. I can't argue much against what you say. I think there are some Republicans out there who are Mr. Smiths trying to do right. But the constant stream of defeats and failures makes anyone think that something is wrong. But then, given how the Church continues to follow its approach to the world with continually disastrous results, I think the same about Church leadership as well.

  2. Considering that most Republican-Majority communities still put up with left-leaning school boards and teachers who openly advocate Woke stuff, I'm starting to wonder whether the Republican base really wants to win or whether they just like having something to complain about

    1. I will say this. At least in our neck of the woods, Republicans are fired up about school board elections, and I've seen more passion and purpose in that area than I ever have in an election season. If it has to come from the bottom, I'll take it.

    2. Ultimately, the ground-level stuff is probably the most important thing. It's been my belief for a while that the boring everyday stuff is what ultimately makes the difference.

    3. Years ago I worked with a fellow who had been in Govt. employment for much of his life. He said the majority of employees were firmly in the camp of the Democrats. That's because, as they saw it, the Republicans were the ones always yelling slash government. That translated to them, 'cut government jobs', that is, their jobs. He said the fact that so many on so many lower levels were completely beholden to the Democratic Party had implications beyond anything we could imagine.


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