
Thursday, October 21, 2021

I don't know the answer

We were discussing things with the boys as we often do.  We were talking about my son's college classes that are fully immersed in Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project approach to history.  Fair enough.  That's college.  They can teach what they will.  He doesn't have to go there. 

But it is pure leftwing wing pro-communism anti-American and anti-Western propaganda.  The West is altogether evil.  Whites are all racist per their skin color, and privileged too.  America is a four hundred year old racist state based purely on genocide and slavery.   Today we live in one of the worst nations in history as minorities, blacks, women, and others live in constant terror and oppression by, well, those who are running the system and advocating for CRT and anti-racist education (well, they don't say that last part, that's me).

Anyway, during our talk and him showing us some of what they read that buttresses this narrative, one of my sons asked something I don't know.  He asked who, in the years when schools were segregated, taught the black children.  I mean, black children went to black schools, but who taught them?

Did white teachers teach them?  Or were they taught by black teachers? I told him I believe they were generally taught by black teachers, since I know the teaching profession was a big profession for blacks in the pre-desegregation days.  

He then asked what they taught.  By that he meant did they teach the black students in their black schools that blacks are a bunch of inferior reprobates?  That they are inferior to the white man?  That slavery is the black man's natural state of affairs? That blacks are mentally inferior?  And on and on.  Is that what they taught the black kids in all black schools? 

He wondered that because, as he said, white children are all but taught to renounce their heritage and their ancestors.  They're taught to be ashamed of their country, their religion, their civilization.  They're taught that no matter what their state in the world, they have privilege and should be ashamed of their role in systemic racism.  They're taught that whites are worth nothing but evil for the most part, and everything they have is because of the evil of their forebears.  And as often as not, they're taught this by white teachers and white professors in predominantly white schools. 

He wondered if blacks were hit with similar lessons in their  schools.  If so, then it's good desegregation came along.  Because how horrible would it be to tell an entire generation of children that they are reprobates who should be ashamed of everything they are and have due to their skin color and ethnicity.  He'd hate to think black kids ever went through such a thing in their schools.  


  1. You're worrying about monsters from your own imagination, something that is really only excusable at 3 a.m., not at 6 a.m.

    1. Are you on the school district payroll or the teachers' union payroll?

    2. I could reply to Anon here with a plethora of links and otherwise about how "real" the monsters are, but at this point I've just learned to go ahead and skip to the relevant part of the conversation:

      And how exactly would we go about proving (or not) whether the monsters are real, or just Dave's imagination? What kind of evidence or proof are you looking for? At what point, is it a problem?

    3. Well, no. I'm talking about what's being taught in our schools. My sons are experiencing it outright in college, and have shown me the texts and papers to back it up. Kids my youngest's age are being taught in in mild forms already, and I have no reason to think bringing CRT into the classroom will make it better. So address the issue, don't rely on denial.

    4. "He'd hate to think black kids ever went through such a thing in their schools." Sorry Art, Nate, and Dave, but I am too young to have served on the school board for a black school 60 years ago. You were in too big of a rush to show your moral superiority to think about what I was saying. HOW VERY WOKE OF YOU ALL.

      "Did they teach the black students in their black schools that blacks are a bunch of inferior reprobates? That they are inferior to the white man? That slavery is the black man's natural state of affairs? That blacks are mentally inferior? ... He'd hate to think black kids ever went through such a thing in their schools." These are 3 am worries, monsters from your own imagination.

    5. Anon, no. I don't know what they taught. I'd like to know what black students in black schools were taught. Were they taught the self-shaming and self-loathing that white students are taught today? Were they taught to despise their heritage and culture and ancestral heroes the way white students are today?

      Saying it isn't happening is like standing in Warsaw in 1940 and insisting the Germans aren't up to something. There comes a time when it's no longer mere denial.

  2. Fair enough. That's college. They can teach what they will. He doesn't have to go there.

    If it's a public institution it's an issue. If it's a requirement for history majors or a required distribution course, it's an issue.

    1. I don't know how that works. I always assumed because college - even state ones - are optional, there's more leeway to what they teach and how they teach it.

  3. You were in too big of a rush to show your moral superiority to think about what I was saying. HOW VERY WOKE OF YOU ALL.

    You might make an effort to be something other than egregious. Works for others.

  4. 13 years ago, when public school teachers were openly advocating for Obama in class, Republican parents were outraged. So outraged that they ................. complained and did nothing else. Apparently nobody knew how school board work. If Republican communities had run their own candidates for local school boards and cracked down on the leftwing extremists then, we wouldn't be in this mess today. Instead they did what most Republican parents do: throw a fit and proceed to forget about it.

    1. Strange as it may seem to you, there are actually Republican elected officials outside of core cities.


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