
Friday, September 17, 2021

There is no way I would have the patience for this

An architect used Legos to build a replica of Vatican City.  Here is the article at Our Sunday Visitor.  And here is a picture from the article of the beyond awesome results:

God, they say, creates for fun.  I believe that's where we get that inner itch to make and create ourselves.


  1. (though as you say, now you know why I have the itch to make games...)

    1. Yep. A burning itch to make given us from the Maker. And on the subject of games, we were looking at the one you sent, but I'll be honest, things went off the rails. First glance my sons were positive, but they've not gotten back to it yet. Once things seem halfway close to normal, they'll get back to it again and give a report.

    2. Oh! You meant off the rails in your life. lol sorry for the moment I thought you meant off the rails in the game. I was afraid I had designed something that had ruined your home. (and was sad)

  2. I look forward to the days, please God, that I may have time to engage in this type of creativity again!

    1. I never had that type of creativity. Nor patience. I think I could have, but it was the patience I lacked.


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