
Friday, September 24, 2021

The best description of former conservative Christians who are aligned with the Left

Imagine a bunch of patriots who support FDR.  Suddenly they decide his policy of interning Japanese is the worst things they've ever seen, even though they've known of it for years.

So they do the logical thing, they fully align with Nazi Germany.  While technically they insist they don't support the Holocaust, they fight with all their energies against anyone trying to stop Germany.

How isn't that an accurate description of those who claim fealty to the historical Gospel who now vote party line, fully support, align with, and fight and attack any opponents of, the party capable of promoting this legislation? If I'm wrong, please inform me how. 


  1. Wow! That's quite an analogy!
    The more I think about this the more I think there has to be bad consciences involved. I'm not accusing anyone of it, just observing that a bad conscience will put you at odds with Truth if you are trying to assuage it.

    1. Assuage it without repentance, I mean. Trying to justify it instead.

    2. Exactly why is hard to say. But I'm having an increasingly difficult time they believed what they preached when they're so quick to change it under the slightest pressure. I keep going back to the idea that they never believed much of it anymore, but enough to make a living with one foot in the Church and one in the world that preached tolerance. And then when the tolerance ended, they were forced to choose.

  2. Our own Final Solution. Congratulations Democrats

    1. Yep. The parallels between our abortion culture and the Nazis is chilling. After all, we've basically said human life is only human life when the important people (in this case, those who identify as women) say so.

  3. Kind of funny to read that link and watch Rod bounce back and forth between "Trump is awful" and "we need Trump." He would probably have a lot less mental conflict if he realized he was looking at "the cult" in the same way Tom was looking at him.

    1. That's why I see Rod like Thomas Paine. He preaches the right message, but wouldn't want him in charge of the revolution. Too often he prattles on about the lying media, the evil left, the global conspiracy against life and freedom ... until the left/media trash Trump or espouse the doctrine of Global Warming or insist we must do anything to fight Covid. Then you'd think the MSM and the Gospel were one and the same.


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