
Monday, September 27, 2021

Nobody does pop jargon like Pope Francis

So we have this:

Now that's just pretty to see, but it means nothing in modern discourse.  

We know that for liberalism, inclusive means conform to liberalism or watch your butt.  The same goes for tolerance, which usually means conform to liberalism or watch your butt.  Or diversity, which also can be translated as conform to liberalism or watch your butt.

Is that what Pope Francis means?  I realize God's love is universal, and Christ reaches out to all sinners.  Does that mean inclusive despite - anything?  One can be, do, think, or whatever and it's all inclusion and no distinction?  Does Pope Francis mean white supremacists, arms dealers, people who deny Global Warming, people who question Covid lockdowns, people who support border walls?  I don't know.  He might. 

But once again, Pope Francis uses empty pop culture terms that are common on Oprah and The View, but are of little use elsewhere.  If only he would speak like a religious leader not of the age, but merely in the age. 

Oh, and for the record, I had no idea that Jesus's teachings on the sheep and goats and wheat and chaff meant that there are no distinctions.  I thought that the point was you didn't want to be goats or chaff, not that it didn't matter to Jesus.  Did I just seriously misunderstand those teachings? 


  1. Father V's tweet almost sounds sarcastic. - At least, I hope so.

    The Orthodox podcast I've been enjoying had a great description about how much of the Bible is an effort and prescription to avoid "death by holiness." Too many have adopted this position of "If you [God] really loved me, you'd accept me as I am." But only so much can be demanded of love - even Infinite Love.

    1. Upon a second reading, it could have been sarcastic. And that might have been the target of Deacon Greydanus's response about the ones not being inclusive being the goats. It's a testimony to Pope Francis's rhetorical skills that so many are about to make so much out of everything he says, and almost never in agreement. Either he is a poor communicator, or he's a brilliant one. I hope he's just not that good at the task.

    2. Oh, and the Orthodox will say that. They are a reminder that we're speaking ultimately of heaven and hell. It's not a game, nor do they have much patience for our Western idea that we must allow everyone off the hook with no responsibility. I think God does accept us where we are, but the goal is for us to move to a new spot, and not keep being where we are. That's the problem with little sound bytes like the one above.

    3. It's like having a child. Yes, you love your baby, helpless and just as they are even when they mess their diapers, but you also expect them to outgrow their diapers by the time they're in their teens.

    4. From what I can tell, he hasn't gotten better but worse. He comes off as one who likes to hear himself talk, and puts little effort into thinking what all his talking might do. Early on it could be overlooked. But it's become almost a signature of his papacy.

  2. Pope Francis is so lacking in substance, I have no idea what he's even saying half the time.

    1. I'd say the problem is that most people are 100% sure of what he is saying, it just never matches what anyone else says he's saying.

    2. He's bacicaly a human rorschach test. It's almost like What he says is essentially meaningless and everyone just hears what they want to hear.

    3. Heh. Yep. Not only can we make our own versions of what he says, but not a few are rather sure their version is the only acceptable version because everyone else isn't as smart and righteous as they are.

  3. Thoughtful blog thanks for posting.


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