
Saturday, July 10, 2021

You know what would be neat for the black community to do?

Every once and awhile say that criminals cause problems too. Right now, the American black community  has entered an almost Dali-like world of surrealness where blacks - or anyone really - can break the law, rape, murder, assault, threaten the innocent, and if anything goes wrong, police are killers! 

I mean, that's nuts, and more nuts than I dare you to find in many other eras in human history.  Yet not only has it gripped the black community, but I'm seeing nobody anywhere else - and that includes in education, corporate America, politics, and even religion - point out that every now and then there is such a thing as personal accountability.  That every once in a while, criminals can sometimes be a least slightly to blame for crimes. 

Bonus points for recognizing in that article another 21st Century post-modern distinctive.  That is, in addition to post-human race group identity, whether or not you are capable of making a mistake or accidently doing something as opposed to purposefully doing evil is based solely on which group you happen to belong to at the moment.  

So to group A - black America - anything done by anyone in groups B (Police) and C (whites in general) can be for no reason than  purposeful killing and racism.  Accidents simply don't happen in these cases.  There can be nothing other than a purpsose  Everything is on purpose and for the worst reasons. 

Meanwhile, again, we don't even care about blacks committing crimes.  Accident or not, nobody - including politicians, educators, journalists and religious leaders - appears to care enough to do something about it more than an occasional block party or march through the streets. Because the main cause of most violence against blacks isn't the problem?  

It's one crazy age.  As my sons said, if Medieval peasants had Monty Python, their skits would probably look a lot like us. 


  1. Most of the black population consists of working-class people who've had only glancing contact with racial-preference schemes. I'll wager you the vast majority of people who fit that description know perfectly well what the problems are. They are, however, like working people generally in this day and age. Their perspective goes unexpressed and they have no influence in public affairs.

    Nearly everyone in our time with influence (or at least with a megaphone) subscribes to malicious rot or is too craven to say anything.

    1. Not only unexpressed, but when they do stand up and buck the trend, they are smacked down in short order. As for the majority, that is true of my experience. Though I have also run into the activists ones who see racism in anything and everything under the sun. That goes back to my college days and a few fellow students who could probably point to ever racist slur ever uttered. But most? Not so much. That goes with others. I'm reminded of the old dig that if you're bothered by the name Washington Redskins, there's overwhelming evidence that you're likely not an American Indian.

    2. I agree completely.

      I also doubt the existence of a "black community". Oh, there are (overwhelmingly) black churches and (overwhelmingly) black neighborhoods, but the idea of a continent-spanning monolithic "black community" is not just overly simplistic, it is also demeaning, as though black people were incapable of having individual experiences, individual strengths and weaknesses, and consequently individual opinions. It's so much easier to accept someone's (inevitably self-appointed) claim to be a "community leader" and assume everyone is in lock step with him. Such "community leaders" are a lot easier for news networks to cover than reality, though.

    3. "I'm reminded of the old dig that if you're bothered by the name Washington Redskins, there's overwhelming evidence that you're likely not an American Indian." For that matter, if you're disgusted by the Holocaust, there's overwhelming evidence that you're likely not a Jew. That's only because we know at the beginning that most Americans are not American Indians and that most are not Jews. 3Blue1Brown has a good video on a similar example:

    4. I think the dig about Redskins is based on the fact that there were several attempts to poll Native Americans that found the majority of Native Americans - not Americans in general - didn't care. I believe the one referenced at the time was a WaPo poll that couldn't get anywhere near a majority of Native Americans who cared, and no doubt it wasn't for a lack of trying on WaPo's part.

    5. The dig about the Redskins -- at least as you presented it -- is actually rather meaningless. A little more than 2% of the population is American Indian. Even if every American Indian hated the name "Redskins" and only 5% of the rest of the county did, a person chosen at random from those who hated the name would have a 70% chance of NOT being an American Indian.

    6. The impression I had from the WP poll was that it only asked Native Americans what they thought, not the population in general. And that was the latest in multiple attempts to poll Native Americans exclusively on the topic, the bulk ending up with no real numbers suggesting the majority of Native Americans are seething with outrage. Which isn't unique to this BTW. I remember some years ago when Oxford announced they would be eliminating specific Christian references and terminology in their literature, mostly to be sensitive to Muslims in the country. Multiple Muslim leaders came out and said they never said or requested such a thing. Same here. The point being that most blacks probably don't accept the dominant media narrative that almost all blacks are seething with rage and hatred of America, anymore than most Native Americans were going bonkers over sports names, or English Muslims were freaking out about Christian terminology at Oxford.

    7. Every racist slur ever uttered? Does that include "Iriquois?"
      The name Iriquois is a racial slur created by the Algonquin people to trash-talk the Haudenosaune, who were (contrary to what PC popular culture would have you believe) their enemies long before Henry Hudson ( or any White man) ever reacted their lands in north America.

    8. That's a fact that runs afoul of the dominant narrative that only whites are capable of being racist.

  2. I remember when Eastern Michigan University caved and discarded their "Hurons" mascot. They did so in spite of a letter from the chief of the Hurons supporting its continued use by the university.

    1. I can believe that. I'm reminded of recently when they removed the name Aunt Jemima from the brand, one of the descendants of the original 'Aunt Jemima' protested, saying that was a point of pride for her and her family. But that didn't matter. What matters is framing everything to do with the West as an evil in need of eradication. Those minorities who disagree are as worthless to the Left as an accordion is for deer hunting.

  3. Was George Floyd supposed to be an expert at telling which 20 dollar bills were counterfeit or legal? I mean the store checker had more knowledge and offered up his own wages to the store manager to make up for the damage but golly, that ol snake just had to get his pound of flesh which in this case was done by a cop Chavin. I saw the video where Jacob Blake was walking to his vehicle no gun in hand, yet he was shot 7 times in the back- in front of his children crippling him for life.

    Black people DO discuss Black on Black crimes and have organizations within the community to work to stop those crimes. If such crimes �� bother YOU, why does you join those groups instead of bleating on your fall back position of demonize Black people?

    What WE don't hear enough about is WHITE crimes. With that we get rationalizations and excuses. I heard a newscaster on Newsmax say that the Jan 6th agitators were emotional citizens not terrorists as well as that mass murderer of Asian Women in Atlanta? Well the Cop said he just had ad bad day and he was called a sex addict. White Supremacists ALWAYS have their excuses for their tyrannical acts. P.Mccoy


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