
Monday, July 12, 2021

To be with the Left is to lie

Yep.  Lies, falsehoods, misinformation, idiocy and plain B.S. are the stock and store of those defending the Left.  You see it in so many topics the Left advocates.  For instance, take the gun control movement, where almost everything said is riddled with misinformation, falsehoods or reliance on accusation and calumny.  And for all of its efforts, a good 99% of its time and energies if I were to guess, is aimed at stopping what amounts to about 5% of mass shootings, themselves a small percentage of overall gun violence.  That's one example.

Another is a frequent mantra of the New Prolife Catholic movement, in which 65 million abortions in America are the sole responsibility of misogynistic capitalists who have given women no other choice but the unfortunate, yet completely understandable, choice of terminating their pregnancies.  Furthermore, nobody - and that means no woman ever - wanted or celebrated an abortion. 

That has never been true, as I knew girls in college who saw abortion as a badge of honor and a gratuitous F-you to men who are rendered powerless where children are concerned until they find out there will be a child they for which they are financially responsible.  And that was the 1980s.

Now, the old 'I'd abort six million babies for better sex' movement is picking up speed, and more and more women are being encouraged to rejoice with great gladness over the ability to abort their pregnancies.  If they've aborted before, then they should hang a medal of honor on their bra.  If not, then rejoice and be glad and cheer the fact that if it ever came around, the power of defining life or non-life would be yours for the having!  See this blasphemous sign praising God for aborting pregnancies here.  

Post Modern Jesus, beyond caring about skin color, also loves abortions

Again, the New Prolife movement is simply an allegiance with the Left and all its manifold heresies, blasphemies, and promise of mass extermination of undesirables to sustain a culture of debauchery and decadence in the era of AIDS, with its clear goals of eliminating liberties and freedoms of everyone else all who fail to bow before the ninety foot idol of the Left.  Because of that, expect copious amounts of 'what camps in the German woods' denials and lies to become part and parcel of the whole New Prolife gig. 


  1. Another is a frequent mantra of the New Prolife Catholic movement, in which 65 million abortions in America are the sole responsibility of misogynistic capitalists who have given women no other choice but the unfortunate, yet completely understandable, choice of terminating their pregnancies. Furthermore, nobody - and that means no woman ever - wanted or celebrated an abortion.

    I'm fascinated. Who is peddling this specious argument?

    1. You can certainly guess Mark Shea. He's made entire posts about the idea that no woman ever wants an abortion, let alone celebrates. But the 'no woman wants an abortion' phrase is frequently repeated in discussion about abortion and various political policies. I know when I was at Patheos, I wrote against that idea by posting examples - back then - of this movement to celebrate abortions and abortion rights, and I still got pushback by people saying there is no such thing. I think it's one of those phrases that is just repeated, irrespective of the facts.

    2. Did you read his mea culpa, Art?

    3. That's more recent than I was thinking. I know a year or so ago he wrote a similar tirade accusing pro-life people of everything, while clinging to the fact that no liberal in history ever actually supported abortion, much less wanted one. And that was well after this whole 'rejoice in the glory of abortions' movement was happening. As I said, I was at Patheos in 2017, and I mentioned it back then. Part of being on the Left demands a 'what camps in the woods' level of denial - esp. as the Left becomes more nakedly evil. And few do it better, or more flagrantly, than Mark.

    4. What he writes there is perfectly brainless. And vicious. I'm just not seeing where he blames businessmen for abortion, or did I miss something?

    5. I don't know that he blames businessmen. Not sure where that came from. Capitalists, as in those supporting and defending capitalism being to blame? He has made the claim many times, citing the idea that abortion is best fought by embracing more socialist based economic ideas and rejecting idea typically advocated by supporters of capitalism.

    6. IIRC, abortion was comparatively common in Soviet Russia ca. 1980. Consider Japan at that time: the unemployment rate was < 3%, about 30% of the private sector workforce had guaranteed employment, and social pathology was as low as you could imagine for a an affluent country. Abortion was rampant; I saw one datum to the effect that about 2/3 of all women had one 'ere they reached the end of their child-bearing years.

      Something Shea knows: abortion in this country in 1960 was unsafe, illegal, and rare, even though real per capita product was about 1/3 of what it is today).

    7. Art:
      Question for "prolife" MAGA fantasists. What is your endgame? What do you realistically hope to do? Outlaw abortion? While putting immense economic pressure on women to abort? Have you given any thought at all to that?
      Economic prosperity tends to drive abortion rates down, which is precisely what happened under Clinton, where America witnessed the steepest drop in abortion rates since Roe.
      Under Bush, in addition to launching an insane and stupid war that every bishop on planet Earth refused to bless and teaching conservative Catholics in America to root for unjust war, the GOP destroyed the economy while the party of torture’s Veep said, “Deficits don’t matter.”
      It was Dem fiscal responsibility under Obama that saved the American economy again after Bush 43 flew it into the ground in 2008.

    8. Thank goodness Mark isn't a partisan leftist, or the fact that he almost echoes leftwing talking points with 100% predictability would suggest he's a partisan leftist.

    9. Reading that, what gets you is that he shoots his mouth off with abandon, but he knows nothing about the contours of the economy then or now - i.e. real income levels in one era v another, growth rates in one era v another, labor markets in one era v another, the consequences of public sector borrowing, what share of productive resources are deployed to the military &c. He knows literally nothing.

    10. Art, I've come to realize Mark doesn't care. I don't know economics so I can't speak to that, but I know history, and he does no better in that area. He simply says stuff, and that seems to be good enough.

  2. Special note: The Jesus picture is vandalism. It's a statute the abortion supporters hung a sign from.

    1. Yes it is. It's still blasphemy. And it shows the growing zeal for celebrating abortion that the aptly named pro-abortion movement is displaying.


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