
Sunday, July 4, 2021

If liberal democrats insist they want unity

Then stop promoting things that encourage a 'my country vs. your country' attitude.  Not that I believe for a second liberals want unity.  They thrive on disunity.  That's one way that you overthrow a given society, and an old way at that.  Setting the population against itself is a time honored way of seizing a control of a people group.

Likewise, the liberal mantra of 'stop being divisive and admit you're a racist' doesn't exactly sound unifying for sane people.  I doubt it sounds unifying for the Left either.  Talking out of all three sides of the mouth isn't foreign to progressive activists.  Projection is another arrow in the old leftwing quiver. 

So don't be shocked if you hear liberals scream unity while pushing various groups to declare their own America as opposed to others a while saying for the sake of unity everyone who disagrees is a racist.  For the liberalism I've grown up with, that's all standard operating procedure  And the goal is hell and gone from unity. 


  1. Unity is not the same thing as compromise. Unity can also mean conquest.

    And let's stop pretending that unity ranks near the top of priorities. Jesus has torn down the wall of partition, yes, but He also came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. If our priority is communion with God, we will also gain communion with each other; if our priority is just unity with each other, especially one based on unlimited compromise, we will have neither.

    While I'm on a roll, let me emphasize that we are told to love our enemies, but we are NOT told to forget that they are enemies. There really are people who wish us harm and who cannot be trusted: "But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another." Don't just sit there insisting that you don't have any real enemies, and surely these are good but misguided people, and all these problems can be resolved by dialog and compromise.

    1. I'm the first to say America has seldom been 'unified' in any meaningful sense. At best, in ost cases, a majority was able to pluck out some level of coming together for some greater cause. For the first year or so of WWII was likely the most 'unified' we've been. Otherwise, not so much.

      My problem is that the Democrats constantly speak of unity as soon as a Democrat is elected, and have their message picked up by the press. Same thing happened in 1992. Same thing happened in 2008. The reasons being obvious.

      But to speak out of both sides, crying unity and then continually doing that which is meant to divide is rage inducing to the extreme. Of course unity is not always the goal, nor should it be, depending on the situation. It's the preaching of one thing and doing of the other that I've watched for so many decades that gets me.

    2. Oh, and your second part, exactly. A friend of mine from my ministry days, a Presbyterian minister, said similar. We are told to love our enemies, pray for our enemies and forgive our enemies. But in doing so, we were never told that they would be anything other than our enemies. A point that should never be forgotten.

  2. Being a Christian does not mean being a doormat, pacifist or wuss.

    1. How true. And it's time Christians stop being bullied about by forces that have made it clear they'll happily do to the faithful far worse than they tell the faithful we can't do to others.


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