
Monday, July 19, 2021

Asian Carp are from Asia

For instance, Google where Asian Carp come from and you get this tidy bit of info:

This must be established, or you might miss how stupid it is that scientists are pushing to rename the species because - you guessed it - racist.  The CBS News had a special segment in which some fellow with some parks service said it was named Asian because it was a nuisance - you know, like Asians.  Not because the species originate in  Asia.  A democratic congresswoman was also interviewed who said we need to be sensitive about words and terms used to perpetuate racist stereotypes.. 

The news report didn't mention once in the story that the Carp in question originated in Asia.  It merely said they were imported in an effort to control certain species in the wild.  It never once said where they were brought from.  That made the false assumption above sound more plausible, times being what they are.

Of course the story made efforts to connect it to anti-Asian violence and the rise of anti-Asian hate crimes.  It even went the extra mile to connect it to Trump's racist attempt to link Covid to the Chinese people.  Because being from China or Asia apparently doesn't matter when it comes to finding out where things originate?  It doesn't matter.  The point is to embed in our minds the idea that if it came from any time in the Christian West's past, we can assume it is racist and must be abolished.  This includes such racist ideas as equality, liberty, sanctity of life, the Golden Rule, the rule of law, or the names of insects and fish. 

This is also what happens when being a righteous crusader is the easiest way to get on the news and be relevant, even if the crusade is brain-dead stupid.  A plea for scientists to stay in science and stop thinking they exceed the bravery of soldiers hitting the beaches by looking for the latest offensive name that needs abolished, whether it's based on reality or not. 

As for the news report, it was lies and falsehoods.  Much selective word choice while ignoring important facts - like the fact that Asian Carp originated from Asia (China specifically), hence the name.  Again, there are fools and liars, and then there are those who know  better than to believe anything the modern news media has to say. 

Now, we have today and tomorrow off owing to our youngest's birthday.  I wasn't going to blog at all, but couldn't pass up the stupid - and the dangerous.  It's stupid as we all know the reality, but its purpose is diabolical.  But that's that, and I'll be back after the festivities.   TTFN. 


  1. And yet nobody has a problem with Mongolia building statues of Gengis Khan or Uzbeks celebrating Tamerlane.

    1. Oh no. I remember the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. There were entire segments on the news where Chinese citizens sang the praises of Mao. And I saw a PBS series on the history of Africa where a Muslims scholar had no problem saying that whatever conquests happened by Muslims, it was for the greater good because of the awesomeness of Islam. There seems only one civilization not allowed to have past heroes.

    2. What country was this Muslim scholar from? He literally sounds like this pro-British Imperialism guy I know.

    3. I didn't catch where he was from. He spoke English with no accent, so perhaps the United States. I was just taken by his easy dismissal of anything done in the name of Islam by citing the benefits that Islam brought to the picture.

    4. If I tried to justify British rule of India on the basis that they ended widdow burning, that guy would probably call me a white supremacist

    5. In a fast heartbeat. Or say - what we used to say - that though bad things did happen in America's expansion into Indian territory, we did bring positives like democracy. liberty, and the sanctity of Life (not to mention the Christian Gospel). Try saying that without being fired.

  2. The AP story on this didn't mention that the carp are from China until the 13th paragraph. In contrast the second sentence was about a sign that said "Kill Asian Carp" with the implication that this hinted at violence against Asian people.

    On the flip side, I've already seen people say use this incident to say that "Asian" and "Invasive" are now synonyms. I.e. that (with tongue in cheek) the PC term is now "Invasive People."

    1. The story I read (I forget which outlet it was) didn't mention that Asian Carp were from Asia at all, it just kind of implied it.

    2. You know, it's interesting. That fellow interviewed who said the name must have been meant as a dig against Asians because of invasive, it makes you wonder if he is the one who thinks Asians are invasive. But I think that sometimes when people say this or that word must mean you're talking about this or that minority. It might be the ones making the accusations are the ones who think of minorities when they hear those words.

  3. Restore the name of the Chinese gooseberry!

  4. I'm all for just calling them Dreamer Carp.


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