
Sunday, May 9, 2021

A happy Mother's Day to my own Mom

That's my Mom right before her big nine-zero this last Christmas.  The boys and I surround her, with my wife, their Mom of the hour, taking the picture.  

She's not the mom I remember from my years growing up.   But then I was never the same son at any given year.  From infant to child to teen to young adult to lumbering 54 year old, I'm sure she looks at me and wonders where that little kid running about on our old wooden floors in the country ended up.  Such is time. 

But I count my blessings, and am happy for the privilege of taking care of her, even as now, after all these years, she still does her best to take care of us.  To her and my boys' most favorite mom, I wish the happiest and most blessed Mother's Day imaginable  May we celebrate many more and rejoice in all that God has so freely given us. 

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