
Friday, April 30, 2021

A rare picture of censor-culture Catholics being censored


Yep, that accurately portrays the sudden outrage of having applied to them the very practices they want applied to others; 

Hilarious.  Mark, who has rejoiced time and again when Tech Companies censor conservatives, now gets his underwear in a knot because it happened to one in his circle. Note the appeal to race identity where there is no reason to think race has anything to do with it. There is no human race, there is only the skin color.  Thus says the Left.  Apparently some New Prolife Catholics approve this message. 

Meanwhile Sam, who has been leading a minor crusade against Bishop Baron since the good Bishop called out "wokeness", is equally miffed. .Note Sam's perfect acceptance of 'wokeness', which is essentially liberals punishing and censoring wrong think and silencing dissent ... until it happens to him.  Then he's - wait for it - pissed now!

Bwa ha ha ha!  You don't get better examples of hypocrisy than that, courtesy of two professional representatives of Catholic teaching in modern apologetics.  Of course on a technical level, there's nothing wrong with societies having standards and expecting people to abide by those standards, and even stepping in when people get out of line.  Freedom, after all, does have it's limits.

The problem is, those who embrace the Left are confronted with being the ones who for decades insisted that anyone banning anything, or punishing any artistic expression, or mandating conformity to any speech, were the fascist Nazis.  Trying to square liberalism's great post-war mantra of 'always tolerate freedom of expression' with the current Left invoking a self-righteous intolerance that would shame McCarthy, is one of the big challenges for progressives today. 

This is why I insist we shouldn't say woke.  Call it what it is, little leftwing advocates being the intolerant fundamentalists they so often condemn.  Just without the self-awareness. 


  1. Of course... it must be those MAGA vigilantes. It couldn't be you running afoul of the uncaring algorithms or even just the left hitting you.

    Well that answers my question of if they would ever gain any awareness. Apparently guys in tshirts reading "vote blue, no matter who" could be shoving both of them onto the train cars and they would still blame Trump.

    1. With Mark, if three Mongolians murdered a Nigerian in Tahiti, he'd find a way of blaming white Maga Trump supporters with white skin. But that's a trait liberals have had for years that I once spoke to in my Protestant days. I was part of an ecumenical association filled largely with more liberal Protestant leaders. I said then it was like Butch and Sundance at the end of the movie. As the Bolivian army is outside, and they are ready to run out and be gunned down by hundreds of soldiers, they're still sure the one they need to worry about is Lefores, the unseen bad guy from most of the movie. That's been liberal obsession with conservatives since at least the 1980s. If Muslim communist Africans from the Outback launched a nuclear strike, they'd somehow be sure the real threat is white conservative Republican Christians.

  2. I seem to recall Rocha was one of the Vox Nova crew a decade ago, one of the more circumspect of the bunch. (Vox Nova was later bequeathed to some other set and maintains a residual existence at Patheticos). Most of them did seem to have some connection to the Catholic college nomenklatura, though their principal was some sort of PR maven for some international agency. I see Rocha is now a philosophy professor somewhere and that his schooling was financed by the Gates Foundation.

    1. I ran into Sam back during my stint at Patheos. He was my editor. He didn't seem like he has become (which is a trend among those who cleave unto the Left). But there were signs. I remember I got into a rather big and public argument with Mark Shea, and Sam stepped in and told - me - to back off. I thought then he should have told us both to behave. Likewise, just like so many on the Left, he refused to admit he was progressive or liberal, he just always ended up aligning with liberal narratives. One of the big selling points against the Left. Most conservatives admit they are conservative, or right, or whatever. Those on the Left deny the obvious, or confuse their biases with divine truth.

    2. I remember I got into a rather big and public argument with Mark Shea,

      You mean Shea was savaging you consequent to some shtick of his. He's done that to me, too, and I'm someone of no consequence.

      and Sam stepped in and told - me - to back off

      Cruel to the kind and kind to the cruel, and with a quiver full of sophistries to go with it. I know the type. (Common among liberal school administrators when I was a tyke; I think this fellow Rocha is ensconced in a teacher-training program).

    3. Yes, one reason I'm easier with conservatives is that they admit it up front, and don't go along with the deceitful double talk that offers flower with a dagger hidden behind the back.

  3. An amusing tantrum over what was certainly an algorithmic hiccup and not a successful MAGA suppression effort endorsed by Twitter.

    Amongst the many faults of the wokebot version of Rocha is the unwarranted sense of self-importance. There are worse, but this is probably the most amusing.

    1. The funny part is that he unleashed a broadside against Bishop Barron for daring to call out this sudden 'inquisition witch hunt 'censor' for the left' movement called wokeness. Sam went spare on him about that, mocking those who are against this censorship and banning un-left wrong think. That he then gets so upset because, probably incidentally, he got a taste of what he has openly supported makes him as bad as Mark, who has made hypocrisy almost his calling card as a Catholic apologist. And that's saying something, since Mark has for endless years made condemning people for what he proudly does a cornerstone of his ministry.


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