
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Lucado blinks

Apparently Max Lucado, the popular Evangelical author and pastor, has dropped and given the Left twenty for being asked to speak at the Washington National Cathedral.  His unforgivable sin?  Failing to conform to the Left's dogmatic definitions of diversity when it comes to LGBTQ agendas.   That saddens me because when I first came into the Christian Faith, his book Six Hours One Friday helped me see Christ and the Gospel in ways our already secularized culture never allowed. 

Nonetheless, like so many church leaders in the public square who rely on accessibility to mass media and publishing, Lucado must find it tough to kick against the goads of tolerance as mandated by our leftist society.  He joins a growing list of church leaders and prominent figures from all Christian traditions - Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox - groveling for mercy and begging forgiveness for being hurtful and mean and hateful by teaching what God has revealed about human nature and human sexuality. 

I know it's difficult to put our fingers on just what is happening and why it's happening so quickly.   So many individuals we imagined were firm in the orthodox teachings of the historical Faith are caving like dead flies falling off a wall.  Why it's happening I can't say.  Do they just not believe it anymore?  Has doubt eroded their resolve?  Are they merely afraid of being marginalized by a brutally intolerant revolution?  

I don't know.  I just know almost every week I see a story where either a prominent Christian caves, buckles, compromises or outright rejects the Faith and walks away for good.  All I can guess is that something went horribly wrong in modern Christianity.  And by that, I mean Christianity over the last century or so.  I fear we are only beginning to see the smallest tip of the oncoming Great Apostasy iceberg. 


  1. This is not without precedent.

    1. Yep. I'll give a pass to Max because it seems more fear than ambition. There are others who seem to have the RR approach, figuring which part of the Faith (and faithful) to throw under the bus to climb the ladder.

  2. The rapidity in which events today pass from one to the other so quickly gives evidence at least to me that we are leaving and entering a new era in our Church and I'm not sure if it's for the better. Certainly they will be times when saints are made and our faith is tested. I believe the tumult that we are currently witnessing can be referenced by what Christ said that if the days had not been shortened even the elect would be lost. Is today that shortening of days? I've no idea but prophesy is what it is. We test all things

    Christ never said that the Church would continue to exist in all nations such as the USA at all times. Why so many individuals who supposedly had rock solid Faith are falling like flies can only point to what Christ said upon His return. Will he find any faith left on the Earth? This weakening of the faith will certainly increase to a major apostasy as DG mentioned. Cardinals, bishops, and priests, so many of them have made themselves mini-popes disregarding what the Church has taught for millennia. They have all started their own protestant churches under the guise of being Catholic.

    If anything, our times demands great discernment between good and evil, truth and falsehood. It is precisely because our societies have lost the ability to see the Truth and the demonic that is happening today do we live such chaotic times. Chaos does not come from God. Peace in our hearts does.

    1. I believe that is correct. Even the whole of Western Civilization is a blip in the grander scheme of things. Obviously the Gospel will outlive it. I don't think it had to happen, anymore than the two kingdoms had to be overrun. But it's watching so many jump ship from the faith. Defend the West, or cling to the Faith, but don't ditch the West by ditching the Faith and turning on the faithful.

  3. We got here because the Left got very good at weaponizing compassion and turning Christian charity against us. You can watch it in any discussion - remember your old patheos trolls? Heck just look at this story. A dad takes away video games?

    “Ahh yes my kids grade is slipping so instead of asking him if he’s been stressed lately and helping him, I lock away the things he loves,” one person commented sarcastically.

    “I was disappointed not seeing something supportive,” a second simply posted in response.

    ^See? Anything that frustrates the will will be coached in terms of the gravest cruelty. The Western church is in no way prepared to fight such a tactic. "Didn't Jesus tell you to love me? Where is your christian charity? It's just like the inquisition all over again!"

    1. That's an excellent observation. They weaponized Christian virtue and used it against the Faith. Their victory - at least in their minds - is demonstrated by how they're now just throwing those virtues away in order to further attack. So they used 'love or charity' but now have no problem saying where neither love nor charity should be allowed. They judge, they condemn, they excuse - if not advocate - violence, the encourage judging by race, they preach intolerance and censorship, they demand religious believers abandon their religious beliefs. Why the list goes on and on. Having exploited a corrupted version of Christian values, they can now openly throw those values out the window. And yet see how many Christians, duped for so many years by the first strategy, remain in line with them now.

      A good example of that is how one of Mark's old regulars boasted of a community publically shaming an 11 year old boy because he allegedly (that's allegedly per her) dropped the N-Bomb in an online discussion. I remember when shaming was Nazi when it came to kids. But that's so 'no longer convenient.' And she, good Catholic that she is, rejoiced that this kid had been publically shamed and humiliated for his alleged sin.

      Beware of those who insist fundamentalists are the greatest evil in the world, since there's a good chance you're listening to the next generation's fundamentalist stereotypes.

    2. "Having exploited a corrupted version of Christian values, they can now openly throw those values out the window. And yet see how many Christians, duped for so many years by the first strategy, remain in line with them now. "

      This is exactly why I wrote that especially in our times we have a great need to discern between truth and falsehood and good and evil. They have become so blurred for so long that people have no clue anymore in what is right and wrong concerning the faith.


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