
Thursday, January 21, 2021

The dumbest headline of the year

And that's saying something.  Headlines, we all know, are usually written by someone other than the journalist who wrote the article.  Therefore, it may not be the journalist's fault if the headline is misleading, false or dumb.  But whoever is responsible for this has some explaining to do:

Katie Couric's 'condescending, elitist' remarks calling to 'deprogram' GOP retires journo (journalist) label, crisis say.

Who in the world ever thought she was an objective journalist?  That's like  believing in the Loch Ness Monster.  Who watched her over any amount of time and concluded she was being fair and objective?  For that matter, who watches or reads anything today and concludes they're dealing with a media that reports, rather than makes, the news?  I mean, does anyone ever believe the media any more?  I mused on that here.  

Local news still isn't so bad and, depending on the outlet, there appears some attempt among some of our regional newscasts to at least maintain the illusion of objective journalism.  Most mainstream, national outlets have long put that down.  

Papers, such as they are, act mostly as published marketing material for secularism, socialism and the political Left.  We won't even discuss the morning news shows.  The old daytime talk shows were  more objective.  The evening news casts seem to be about where cable news was a decade ago.  

So a headline that acts like there is even such a thing as objective journalism would itself be a knee slapper.  But even twenty years ago, when there was still some notion that journalism and objectivity were not like kosher ham, Ms. Couric was a glaring exception.  Everyone knew her biases because she wore them on her sleeve and reported and interviewed accordingly - much to the cheers of the critics and 'objective' journalists of the day. 

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