
Monday, January 18, 2021

New Prolife Catholics and Biden's priorities

So the news is all aflutter about all the great things Biden will do first thing when he gets in office.  Among the most important - and always near and dear to the heart and soul of the secular Left - is undoing all of those restrictions on abortion access that occurred during Trump's presidency.   

Now we'll see New Prolife Catholics step up and make some serious noise, call Biden and the Democrats out, and really hold their feet to the fire. Bishops will be outraged, and  those who insist they are in no way supportive of the 'slaughter for sex' era in which we live will make calling Catholic president Biden out on the carpet a priority.  Meanwhile, seeing how often Pope Francis injected his opinions into American's last few years, we can expect him to bemoan such developments and even speak to the injustices of such an approach to human life, especially from a prominent Catholic politician. 

Or not.  I hope they do, and I'll gladly tip my hat to them if it happens.  I'm not holding my breath, but I hope they do at least the consistent thing, if not the right thing. 

1 comment:

  1. See


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