
Friday, January 1, 2021

EWTN is under attack

FWIW, I don't get EWTN in our viewing area. We've never had access to it. That always bothered Marcus when I worked at CHNI.  Though I don't know why.  It isn't as if I had anything to do about it.  But nonetheless, I have never had access to ETWN on a regular basis.

So there might be things about it I don't like or agree with.  There might be people I don't care for.  I'm sure it's probably changed over the years as most things change.  But I know one thing.  In an age where I find out that war games - of which I'm fond - are starting to be attacked and banned when they simulate anything to do with Europe or America in the last 400 years because Racism!(TM), I'm going to be mighty sensitive about a sudden uprising of Catholics saying EWTN must be attacked and brought low because Racism!(TM).

I have no clue about the details.  It seems focus on an EWTN contributor named Gloria Pervis, who threw her lot in with the BLM and subsequent backlash.  Given that BLM's approach to justice reminds me of Mussolini's approach to making railroads run on time, I have no problem with a backlash.  Given how she's responded, on the other hand, she appears a reasonable person, and if she was pulled only for opening up a debate that sounds wrong on EWTN.  

If, however, she fully endorsed BLM and all its glorious manifold evils, I can also sympathize with the network.  After all, BLM has been a major player in the post-human agenda whereby we return to a world of discrimination, privilege and condemnation based on, among other things, skin color.  Consider that black Americans can, apparently, say All Lives Matter while non-blacks or non-leftists say All Lives Matter and reveal their racism as a result.  Just like the N-Word for rappers vs. white college girls

I'm still looking for more information on this.  It's really not something I'm altogether invested in, other than opposing the growing McCarthy-like Orwellian '30s Germany dream world of the modern Left and its joys in destroying, banning, oppressing, attacking, or any other assault on those who dare challenge the dogmas of the leftist state and its own brand of ethnic cleansing, race hate and totalitarianism. 

That Catholics, including those who once came out against such tactics, are behind this just goes to show you.  If I find out more, I may adjust my initial thoughts accordingly.  Meanwhile, only one of a group of Catholics going after EWTN at this point:

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