
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Biden is now President Biden

And Never Trumpers everywhere rejoice:

As for me, I follow the old John Wayne rule: I didn't vote for him, but he's my president.  And I mean that, not like those who said it about Trump the morning after the 2016 election and by that night were calling for the entire electoral process to be burned to the ground. 

Likewise, I won't do to him what the Left, press, Democrats, Hollywood and most of Corporate America did to Trump and, in some ways, Trump's supporters.  Not only on principled grounds, but because I'm not stupid. As Trump learned all too well, if you're a leftist calling our election rigged, expect the might of the mass media to be on your side.  If you're not, and you're a right winger calling our election rigged, expect the might of the mass media to be against you.  Same with anything at this point.

I intend to oppose the Biden administration on the key issues, which probably means most things.  But I won't play the Left's game since the Left can make or break the rules as it sees fit.  I will, as I'm commanded to do, pray for the Biden administration.  But I plan on being wise as serpents on this one, not stupid like stupid people.  I'm not blind to what is happening.  The world teeters on the brink of a new epoch in its history, and it won't include  many things we've long taken for granted.  In some Lovecraftian sense, it will be a complete flip upside down of everything we assume to be real, true and good.  Furthermore, it will take on a global mandate since that is where we're heading, with the support of most power-players, including the Pope. 

So there you go.  That's where things stand as I see them, FWIW.  He's my president, I'll pray he do right by his office, I won't be stupid and play the Left's games, or be a coward and play the Never Trumper games.  I'll try to keep one foot on the ground and one ready kick the dust off as need be.  


  1. I follow the rule that the president of the United States is the president of the United States, but I am not the United States, and I would thank him for kindly not presuming to preside over me.

    Actually, the relationship between a president and the public is supposed to be that between Joseph and Potiphar. "And his master saw that the LORD was with him, and that the LORD made all that he did to prosper in his hand. And Joseph found grace in his sight, and he served him: and he made him overseer over his house, and all that he had he put into his hand." Potiphar put "all that he had" in Joseph's hand, but Potiphar still owned the house. If Joseph had decided the house was now his and Potiphar was now his slave, he would have been making the same usurpation that presidents have been making since at least FDR. Seriously, which do you think carried more weight, a royal decree from George III, or an executive order by George W. Bush?

    1. Yep, my president, as in he works for me. He doesn't preside over me, as much as I fear the push will be to get me to assume otherwise.


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