
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Rage inducing hypocrisy and restrained conservatives

OK, this is the stuff that pushes most non-leftists over the edge:

Even as tens of thousands gathered, sometimes without masks, to celebrate Biden's victory, the press, experts, and Left have focused on only one culprit: Those fans who celebrated Notre Dame's victory over Clemson.  Wow.  I mean, they're not even trying to hide the double standards at this point.

Of course we've seen it so many times before:

Late 1990s: The media declares it a mortal sin to even care what young Chelsea Clinton is doing with her life while she's in college, she's just the president's child after all - off limits!

Early 2000s: Media all over the Bush's daughters with stories of any and all wrong doing allegations, rumors or anything.

Late 1990s: In wake of Clinton's  blue dress revelation, media and liberals declare an end to our puritanical obsessions with character and morals where the presidency is concerned.

2016: Press and liberals declare Trump's character and morals deplorable and a deal breaker for being president.

2016: Press and liberals point out hypocrisy of conservatives who criticized Clinton's morals and yet supported Trump, failing to note the obvious opposite. 

2000: Press and liberals declare any criticism of Hillary Clinton, even her speeches, as proof of sexism and misogynist bigotry. 

2008, 20012: Press stands by and ignores, and sometimes even joins, waves of sexist and deplorable assaults on Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman, even as they're call milfs, bimbos, morons, and words I won't use.

1996: Press universally blames Republicans in congress for government shutdown

2013: Press universally blames Republicans in congress for government shutdown

2018: Press universally blames Trump administration for government shutdown

2015: A white mass shooter holding a Confederate flag becomes the basis of deconstructing our nation's past and blaming the sins of one white American on all

2016: A black man pledging to murder white people who murders five police officers in cold blood becomes the basis for deconstructing out nation's past and blaming the sins of one white American on all.

2011: A mentally unstable anti-government and anti-religious anarchist goes on a shooting rampage in Tucson and the press declares it to be proof conservatives are more violent than liberals

2017: A card carrying liberal Democrat Bernie Sanders supporters pledges to stop conservatives and shoots multiple Republican politicians, and press insists we shouldn't look into motives

2020: No heroes were ever more heroic than our front line medical pros risking everything to fight Covid, so everyone must sacrifice everything no matter how painful to protect them, including avoiding gatherings of more than one person. 

2020: Press rejoices and declares it a beautiful thing to see thousands of medical pros protesting with tens of thousands of Black Lives Matter protesters against our racist nation.

You get the point.  I could go on forever.  This sort of thing is beyond rage inducing.  It isn't that conservatives, or Christians, or atheists, or liberals, or anyone can't be hypocrites or indulge in the old double standard.  

The problem is that this is the news media.  This is the press.  This is also our beloved 'Scientists!(TM)'.  This is our experts and academics and all those who are supposed to stand against the machine.  The ones who are supposed to speak truth to power.   The ones who seek and proclaim truth, no matter how painful.

And yet we can see now that they are all as beholden to advancing the cause of liberals, socialists and the Democratic Party as all such outlets and professions were in advancing the war effort in World War II.  I mean, it's either bad to gather in  large numbers, or it isn't bad.  To me, the actual science wouldn't support the narrative that any and all gatherings can be lethal unless the gatherings are to advance a leftist political agenda.  

Still, in it all, I notice something.  Per the press (see the wake of the Tucson shooting), conservatives are the most violent and unstable bunch in the country.  We continually see carefully parsed news stories proving that white, right wing Americans are the worst, the terrorists, and the threat to all life and peace on the planet. 

Yet where are the riots?  Where are the killings?  Where is the looting, the destruction, the arson, and the death?  Where is it?  Per the media narrative, you should see white people with MAGA hats on the rampage, burning buildings and dead bodies mounting by the dozens.  You should have mass shootings everywhere.  It should be a slaughterfest.  

But it isn't.  I pray to God it won't be.  Yes, we've had some over the top and unacceptable rhetoric:

But most haven't run with this sort of rant.  Some have even condemned it.  Otherwise, no cities brought down by violence and carnage.  No actual, real uprisings, or killing and reducing poor neighborhoods to ruin. 

I just thought it interesting.   I see the naked, vomit inducing hypocrisy of the press and its clear fealty to advocating the Left's narratives and policies and power, and it makes me want to burn cities and steal big screen televisions.  And yet, contrary the media narrative, I don't.  And so far at least, most who are supposed to be aren't.  And that's not bad.  It's almost like there is reality, there is the news media, and never the twain shall meet. 

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