
Monday, November 16, 2020

Biden is right to condemn all acts of violence

Whether it be right or left, Black Lives Matter or White supremacists or Antifa.  He doesn't even have to name them.  Simply point out that such acts of violence are wrong.  That's good enough for me.

Of course the big problem is that this is just what Trump did after the Charlottesville protests turned violent, and he was called NaziHitlerHimmler for his efforts.  It didn't matter how many times he denounced racism and white supremacy.  For daring to say what Biden said he was labeled a racist Nazi 100% for daring to do anything but condemn only one side. 

Sigh.  You can't play with cheaters.  If you cheat to beat them, you're now as bad as tehm.  If you don't, they'll win unless there is a higher power to call them out.  As it is, all of the higher powers on this sod at least are in on the cheat.  And that makes it difficult if you're not on the side of the cheaters. 


  1. No matter what Trump does or says it will always be viewed by the left as facist, racist and hateful even if they do or say the same thing. They hate him. Period. Ever notice how when there is a Republican president during an armed conflict they always focus on the body count coming home then all of a sudden during a Democrat presidency there does not seem to be anymore casualties reported. Did I ever tell you I hate politics? I mean Democrat politics?

    1. That's true. As they say, Trump could have cured cancer and all they would have done was report on the job losses experienced by cancer researchers. And that's not even new to Trump. They've been doing that since Reagan at least. Emphasize the bad with the president (if Republican), emphasize the good with the president (if Democrat). The big realization for our time is that the media is dead, and has been for a long, long time.

    2. For a long time now I've considered the media the False Prophet of our time. Fifty years ago the media had a hand in ousting Nixon. Since that time they believed in their own power to shape the world as they see fit. Biden is the result.


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