
Friday, November 13, 2020

Apparently one of the Church's best kept secrets

Is that you can unquestioningly support one political party 100% no matter what intrinsic evils or mortal sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance it advocates because you oppose the the other political party no matter what good it accomplishes for the least of these:  

Here is what it says, so you can read it an chuckle: 

The problem is that his magical thinking is not real and the trouble with that, like the trouble with jumping off Trump Tower, is that though it may take a while for Reality to impact on your fantasy, when it does it does so without regard for your feelings or sense of entitlement.  

The idea of Trump splitting the GOP into the Mere Prostitutes and Opportunistic Predators sect (ruled by nihilists like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham and cynical liars like Sean Hannity) and the Wild-Eyed QANON True Believers sect (dominated by the weirdos of the Evangelical and Catholic Right such as Abp Vigano and Taylor Marshall as well as the sundry paganized magic practitioners like Paula White and straight up nuts like Alex Jones) is a happy thought. A splintered GOP in which the weirdos turn on the predators is a GOP that will be hampered in hurting the rest of us for a good long while.

And this will be doubly so if, as seems certain, Trump the Psychic Vampire insists on continuing to cultivate his Cult with a Forever Campaign of never-ending Ego Rallies that suck the lifeblood of money and attention away from the GOP coffers and candidates and into the engorged gut of bottomless narcissistic sociopathic need that is Donald Trump.

If that happens, he will continue to cripple the GOP for as long as he lives, perhaps longer if his vile crime family takes up his mantle after he is no longer able to function and tries to keep exploiting the ultra-crazies and set them against the Party regulars with accusation that the GOP is not pure enough.

Uh huh.  The above quotes were from a post of his sent to me by email.  I refuse to link to his outlets because I believe he incarnates most of what is bad and ugly and wrong with the Internet and Social Media. If you wish to inflict suffering on your Christian based sensitivities, then by all means look him up and see what else he had to say.  For me, I no longer go to his websites and the sun shines all the brighter for it. 


  1. I used to keep up with Mr. Shea, but, after noticing a shift in his focus from the religious to the political and a focus on evils of one side that were lesser than the infanticide promulgated by the other side, I too stopped keeping up with his commentary. As I read the final line of your post and nodded in agreement, I thought of how so many have come to represent a line of thinking that rationalizes their own negative behavior while castigating similar negative behavior in others. I enjoy discourse with people who have differing opinions on issues, but I draw the line at debating certain areas of morality, specifically abortion and euthanasia. I keep the image of Christ rebuking the people preparing to stone the adulteress in my mind when engaging in these dialogues. He did not yell or scream and he did not call names. He listened. He asked a question. Simple. To the point. If only more Catholics and Christians would make an effort to keep things simple, polite, and calm, we might engage in more learning.

    I enjoy your blog. Thank you for the work.

    1. Thanks for that. Yes, Mark used to be a daily stop for me. But at some point he not only went over the edge with his focus on politics, he became so beholden to the Left as to remind me of Rolf Gruber from The Sound of Music. I tried to give his new blog a chance, but all I could see was pure evil, especially in the comments section. So that was that. I think Mark stands, IMHO, as a cautionary tale, however, and one we could all do well to remember when we think on things like politics or the latest social hot button issue.


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