
Friday, November 27, 2020

American Indian activists say Happy Thanksgiving

The 21st Century way: by launching an all out war on America and the Christian Western tradition.  That war is well under way, and the panzer divisions are making endless progress. 

Increasingly the violence and destruction is more flagrant, because increasingly the power players of our nation on on their side: politicians and legal experts, big business and the entertainment industry, even religious leaders and social activists.

Gone is yet another plank of post-war liberalism's platform, in this case the idea that violence is never the answer.  Just like we now celebrate oppressing offensive art and speech, judging based on skin color and ethnicity, so now we realize just how good violence, destruction, and even death can be for the cause. 

The brilliance of "the Left" was to hijack the right and just repentance that many felt for the sins of our past. There was never anything wrong with trying to right old wrongs, or admit when our own ancestors or heritage was at odds with virtue and goodness.  The deep roost of the Christian Faith beckoned us to do so. 

But Christianity was long rejected by our nation, and only the most convenient parts were kept, purely for the reason of advancing the Left's agendas.  So it took penance, repentance and regret and weaponized them, using them to encourage hate and revenge, to incite violence and barbarism, and to pit as many people against each other as possible.  All for the purpose of destroying the very civilization that Christianity helped build. 

Though the media spent its time on Covid, and the politicians were busy gathering with their loved ones so we wouldn't have to, such hate based activists were busy little beavers.  There will be no push back or condemnation, and it's possible that before I leave this life, I will see such things as Thanksgiving, and the country and heritage, the legal inheritance and rights and freedoms it represents, go the way of the dodo bird.  Christmas and Easter will no doubt be next on the list. 

This is, once more, because all of those with the power to stop it not only won't stop it, but increasingly are on their side.  A culture that has supported the abortion of billions of babies to sustain a porn culture during the AIDS pandemic is likely not one that will sympathize against the rugged brutality of the pre-Columbian peoples after all. So Happy Thanksgiving.  If you have grandchildren, it's a good bet such a phrase will be something they only hear rumors of in the most whispered tones.  

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