
Monday, October 19, 2020

The lamest of all New Prolife Catholic fallacies

Which is high mountain to ascend, is the charge that Prolife Christians who insist abortion is the preeminent evil of the age can therefore only care about abortion and nothing else.  And more than that, any time spent doing anything else is therefore some betrayal of their emphasis on abortion.  Therefore, either you join the NPL Catholics and lower abortion to somewhere in the bottom 700 list of things with which we can lovingly and respectfully disagree, or you can only care about abortion and nothing else. 


Yeah.  Right.  As one comment said, the saddest part is that he and his followers think it's clever.  It's not.  It's stupid, as is so many of the arguments trying to elevate modernist thinking to the level of Catholic doctrine. 

The fact is, traditional prolife Christians are capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time.  On one hand they can actually say abortion is the ultimate scandal of our age, and the fifty million unborn lives aborted by American women in merely a few decades surpasses the body count of almost any single moment in human history.  On the other hand, they can feed the hungry, disagree with socialist economic policies, cloth the naked, not vote Democrat, pay the bills, mow the lawn, watch the game, and partake in a host of things fun and trivial.  It's not either/or, which any sane mature person would understand. 

It's almost like how New Prolife Catholics can insist we need to focus on economic justice since the more money people have, the less they sin.  And yet while doing this they are obviously capable of watching movies, reading Harry Potter, talking about the joy of Clown Mass, condemning white conservative Christians who have white skin, or any one of a million other things.  

It's like all of reality doesn't have to be boiled down to a single this or that and no other option.  Today's dose of the obvious, courtesy of yours truly. 

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