
Friday, July 24, 2020

Great news for Nick Sandmann

Nick Sandmann, the young man whose life was almost destroyed, and which was threatened on multiple occasions, for the sole reasons of being white and not cleansed by the true saving blood of the Leftist State, has won another round against the Ministry of Lies and Censorship that led the charge against him.  He must have had some major case for them to buckle like this.  Shame on those who blasphemed the Gospel by siding with the forces of slaughter for debauchery by racism and hate simply because he dared think like a non-leftist.

I hope he wins more victories.  He has shown a million times more guts than 90% of those conservatives whining and crying about the assault on the Christian West and America.  I'm not talking about those who have joined those forces out to destroy the heritage of Christianity and liberty and life.  I mean those who speak out against this and then do ... nothing. 

Well done Mr. Sandmann.  May the mercy of God protect him and keep him from the snares of the Enemy, who is the true source behind the assault on him and all who oppose this attack on the Faithful of Christ.

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