
Friday, July 24, 2020

Boycott Major League Baseball

John C. Wright says it rather bluntly. 

The same goes for the growing number of Wall Street corporations, CEOs, and other sports and entertainment venues aligning with Gog and Magog to make war on the best that the world has produced.

I'm not saying do this for some financial punishment.  At this point, there are enough who are dedicated to the destruction of the Christian church, the Christian West, and the United States that I doubt anything we do will stop it. 

But we don't have to keep helping them in their designs.  We can do much better than clinging to old, dying sports, superficial and shallow digital movies worth less than a cartoon strip from an old package of bubblegum, music barely worthy of the term, and almost anything produced or sold by the same companies and venues dedicated to the destruction of everything good and uplifting in this life or the next. 

Just stop supporting them.  At some point in the 1930s, most German Jews figured out it was time to stop investing in the Hitler Reelection fund.  Even if it didn't stop the juggernaut, at least they weren't ones who helped it along.


  1. When I see support for BLM I have to wonder if the supporters have put any thought in what they are doing. Have they researched what BLM actually claims and supports? If they have researched it then either they are closing their eyes to it and "take a knee" to appear woke, what ever that childish term means, while protecting their bottom line from the cancel culture crowd which would then be cowardice on their part. The last option? They know exactly what they are supporting and have no qualms in pushing the BLM agenda. But I don't believe its that last option. I firmly believe that they think if they appear woke then they will be accepted by these Marxists and will be left alone to run their businesses. It doesn't work that way MLB. It only means your turn in line to annihilation has been delayed for a little while. I love my Red Sox but not enough to support BLM. Save your politics because I ain't watching anymore.

    1. I don't know, those all seem viable. It just boggles the mind. But then, again, when WWII broke out, how many corporations and industry bucked the trend? It could be they see there is enough among power and influence (esp that strange world of online lynch mobs) that this is what they are willing to sacrifice. I know I won't watch.

  2. Unlike the NBA that has significant international fan support who don't care about U.S. cultural/political issues, MLB team owners/league leadership may have misjudged the power of tricky Dick's "silent majority." We'll see in the upcoming weeks and months. Like Bobby, I'm a life long Sox fan (62 years old) who won't watch.

    1. That's true. The NBA has already thrown its support behind decidedly anti-American and anti-Freedom causes around the world. But I hope that silent majority becomes vocal soon. It's not just MLB, and given news we're seeing from around the world, it's not just in America. This is turning into a global revolt against America and the Christian West. We can only wait so long before it becomes too late to act.

  3. DG, when WWII broke out there was no internet to disseminate ideas and/or news as we do today. If one company bucked the trend most of America wouldn't hear about it for days or weeks and so it passed mostly undetected and once detected it was already old news. Today if the CEO of some large corporation farts wrong I'll know it before going to bed.

    If MLB supported an unpopular movement 70 years ago such as the KKK, Marxism or Facism there would have been a greater and worse reaction from the public because there was a greater and clear defining line between good and evil and right from wrong with most people vying for the good and the right. MLB would not have done this 70 years ago. They knew they would be dead meat if they did.

    Today they are more afraid of what they think is the coming power and less concerned for the fans. Mind boggling? You got that right. Everything we see happening right now is deliberate confusion by Satan and his human patsies. It's not suppose to make sense for there is no longer ANY sense to be had accept through the Word. We can't even argue about Truth for they consider truth to be subjective: my truth is not your truth. MLB and all the pawns that adopt this 'woke' crap have no clue what they are helping usher into USA: Marxism. Satan's pride and joy.

    Hang on folks. We've only just begun this storm.

    1. That is true. This is a world I think few of us saw coming. I read a humorous article pondering if the Internet is the stuff of demons of not. It concluded it's actually the stuff of faeries, since even demons don't operate on this level. But I think now the war on the Church and, in terms of collateral damage, the West and America, has clearly begun.


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